Hi, I did a show last night and i used a Audix f12 kick drum mic on the bass drum, here is what it was doing, I could turn the mic up but when the song stopped the mic would have a low freq, feedback that would get louder and louder and louder if i didnt turn it down, I had to keep my finger on the slider the whole night,. I had it compressed also with a alesis 3632 compressor. Now what i am wondering if i had it compressed too much , (I dont know the settings on that channel of the compressor right off hand but the gain reduction was kinda high). or is the drum mic fixing to go out on me. I had one of the same mics go out on me before and bought this one as a replacement for it. I was listening to the line via PFL and it was kinda distorted, I dont really think its the cable cause i dont use the same cable at any show. any one have any suggestions.