I have bought the Behringer UCA 122 for digitising my old records and tapes.
When I hooked it up to the PC it took some time to install - something - but no
new icon appeared so I don't know what was installed. I tried getting help from
Nehringer, and someone did reply, telling me I should use Audacity "or the like",
and set it to accepting signals from the UCA thing. I don't know how to do that.
Is Audacity the best tool for the job? Is there other software, more specific to
the UCA 122 that I could install? Or, if I must use Audacity, what do I do to
connect it to the UCA 122?
Thank you in advance for any help.
When I hooked it up to the PC it took some time to install - something - but no
new icon appeared so I don't know what was installed. I tried getting help from
Nehringer, and someone did reply, telling me I should use Audacity "or the like",
and set it to accepting signals from the UCA thing. I don't know how to do that.
Is Audacity the best tool for the job? Is there other software, more specific to
the UCA 122 that I could install? Or, if I must use Audacity, what do I do to
connect it to the UCA 122?
Thank you in advance for any help.