[News] Warren Zeiders, Out on Jelly Roll’s Beautifully Broken Tour, is Perfectly Put Together with DiGiCo Quantum225 Consoles

Aug 4, 2011
When you’re opening for Jelly Roll, you have to be able to stake your place on stage and stand your ground. That’s just what fast-rising singer and songwriter Warren Zeiders is doing as he opens for the country/rap juggernaut on his Beautifully Broken Tour, which kicked off at Delta Center in Salt Lake City on August 27th and makes stops in numerous major markets across the U.S., including New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and New Orleans, before wrapping up at Charlotte’s Spectrum Center on October 27th.
“Pure, raw, unadulterated, gritty, supernal, starpower talent”—that’s how Americana Highways describes the Hershey, Pennsylvania native’s sound and presence. The title track of the first of Zeiders’ two studio albums, “Pretty Little Poison,” became a number-one country radio hit, eventually helping him nab the role of direct support on Jelly Roll’s latest arena tour. And two DiGiCo consoles are along for that wonderful ride: a Quantum225 at front of house, piloted by FOH...

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