What do do with EV DL15X Drivers

Robert Healey

Jan 20, 2011
Lawrence, KS
Hello everyone,

I currently have three EV TL15-2 cabinets with DL15X drivers that I got for a great price a couple years ago. They are large dual 15s that can serve as low mids or subwoofers. As a sub, I think they sound pretty good, especially with all three together. The issue I have is that they're install boxes - no handles, MDF, and a bad finish for a mobile system. I have more time than money at the moment, so I was thinking I could work on building a better box for these guys if it is worth the hassle, given the driver.

I'm new to the speaker building world, so I have a couple questions:

1) Is it worth my time using the DL15X a sub driver, or should I sell the drivers and invest in a more modern subwoofer (My long term goal is to end up with a pair of TH118s, but on my budget that will be sometime in the future).

2) Is the TL15-2 an optimal sub cabinet for the drivers? Should I simply copy it in plywood, add handles and casters, and call it a day? Is there a better cabinet out there for a pair of DL15Xs?

3) Will I notice a difference in performance if I split the drivers up into six single 15 cabinets using the TL15-1 design? I'm a one man shop and while the current TL15-2s aren't too heavy only having to lift a single 15" at a time sounds wonderful.

Just as further info, the rest of the rig is Netmax FIR processed EV Xi-1122 speakers with all Crown XTi amplifiers (which, as soon as I can sell the XTis, will change to QSC PL3 series amps). I have access to a measurement rig and am intending to do DSP equalization on whatever subs I do end up with.

Re: What do do with EV DL15X Drivers

What's your intended application? I got some dl15X drivers a few years ago and built a sub cab to EV specifications. It was fairly weak to say the least, at least for "modern" music. Those drivers would probably be ok as lows in a 2 way box with a decent 2" or 1.4" horn.
Re: What do do with EV DL15X Drivers

What's your intended application? I got some dl15X drivers a few years ago and built a sub cab to EV specifications. It was fairly weak to say the least, at least for "modern" music. Those drivers would probably be ok as lows in a 2 way box with a decent 2" or 1.4" horn.

I need "everything" subs - I plan on doing live music, but end up doing a lot more playback type stuff to pay the bills than I like. That usually means I end up needing something that can go low and sound good. I'm less worried about getting really loud - The Xi-1122s get loud but being a single 12" they have a limit as to how much volume you can get out of them.

Sounds like it might be best to sell the drivers and get something new.
Re: What do do with EV DL15X Drivers

Sounds like it might be best to sell the drivers and get something new.
If you are interested in hauling less bulk and getting low and loud, good plan.
The DL15X only have an Xmax of 4.1mm, current drivers have 3-4 times that.
Doubling Xmax allows for 6 dB more output, one driver with 16.4mm Xmax could equal the output of four DL15X, and in a tapped horn, as many as eight DL15X.
Re: What do do with EV DL15X Drivers

If you are interested in hauling less bulk and getting low and loud, good plan.
The DL15X only have an Xmax of 4.1mm, current drivers have 3-4 times that.
Doubling Xmax allows for 6 dB more output, "one driver with 16.4mm Xmax could equal the output of four DL15X, and in a tapped horn, as many as eight DL15X."
I know this is old, but I had to respond...

Yeah, that might be true according to theory, but in real life practical terms... Not a chance! I have two P.A. cabinets, each loaded with one single JBL 2445J compression driver behind a Renkus-Heinz horn, and one single EV DL15X. For a period of time, one of the DL15X's were blown, so during that period I used only one cabinet. Just one cabinet, with one single DL15X would bast out an entire party spread out over a 12 acre lot my brother used to own. There's no way in hell that ANY single 15" driver is going to match 4x the volume of that. Also, a tapped horn setup does not produce twice the power anyway.
I know this is old, but I had to respond...

Yeah, that might be true according to theory, but in real life practical terms... Not a chance! I have two P.A. cabinets, each loaded with one single JBL 2445J compression driver behind a Renkus-Heinz horn, and one single EV DL15X. For a period of time, one of the DL15X's were blown, so during that period I used only one cabinet. Just one cabinet, with one single DL15X would bast out an entire party spread out over a 12 acre lot my brother used to own. There's no way in hell that ANY single 15" driver is going to match 4x the volume of that. Also, a tapped horn setup does not produce twice the power anyway.
Interestingly, published data from EV (for a box using the DL15X) and Danley (for a tapped horn) disagree with your assessment.

The QRx 115 is rated for 124dB calculated continuous output, 130dB calculated peak ( https://products.electrovoice.com/na/en/qrx-11575/#collapseExample ). The Danley TH115, a tapped horn based on a modern, high-excursion, 15" driver, is rated for 133dB continuous / 139dB peak, or 8x the output of the box based on the single EV DL15X ( https://www.danleysoundlabs.com/products/subwoofers/tapped-horns/th115/ ).
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I know this is old, but I had to respond...

Yeah, that might be true according to theory, but in real life practical terms... Not a chance! I have two P.A. cabinets, each loaded with one single JBL 2445J compression driver behind a Renkus-Heinz horn, and one single EV DL15X. For a period of time, one of the DL15X's were blown, so during that period I used only one cabinet. Just one cabinet, with one single DL15X would bast out an entire party spread out over a 12 acre lot my brother used to own. There's no way in hell that ANY single 15" driver is going to match 4x the volume of that. Also, a tapped horn setup does not produce twice the power anyway.
It's not a matter of twice the power dissipated by the driver, but the increase in displacement and acoustic power. The TH design isn't my favorite, but it does result in a more efficient conversion from electrical energy to acoustic energy. It just comes at a big time domain penalty.

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