What's up with PSW?

Avi Goldberg

May 10, 2012
In the past month or two I've been having trouble loading the PSW forum page or the web site itself. After a few refreshes the pages show but are still slow. Are you guys experiencing this as well? Are they being attacked or something like that?
Re: What's up with PSW?

In the past month or two I've been having trouble loading the PSW forum page or the web site itself. After a few refreshes the pages show but are still slow. Are you guys experiencing this as well? Are they being attacked or something like that?

Slow initial connections, slow page loads seem to be the norm there. There is something going on in the background when PSW pages load - Firefox quits responding for several seconds. Only on PSW's forums...
Re: What's up with PSW?

Slow initial connections, slow page loads seem to be the norm there. There is something going on in the background when PSW pages load - Firefox quits responding for several seconds. Only on PSW's forums...

Net neutrality. You need to petition psw to pony up to your isp for a better connection. ;)
Re: What's up with PSW?

I've found PSW to be intermittent in speed and reliability over several connections. VZ is fine most of the time, Comcast is fine about half the time, mobile networks VZW and ATT are practically hopeless, T-Mobile might as well not exist to PSW. TimeWarner is actually flawless from my few uses. I don't know what my school uses, but it's fine there too.
Re: What's up with PSW?

Well, I'm frequently on all OS's, windows 7 (for Audio Architect), OS X (on my laptop) and Ubuntu (on my desktop, no malware here), with almost any browser on the market, and the problem still remains. Sometimes it's blazing fast, sometimes it's slow, I have no idea why (Yes, even on firefox).
Re: What's up with PSW?

I doubt Tim and I share the same ISP, we do share the problem. I did check it on few ISP's though, same result.

Was wondering if it was just me or someone else experienced it, I guess it's just Tim, me and may be few more users but my conclusion is that the majority of you guys seem fine :(

I'll try to automatically ping it every few seconds to see if it has to do with curtain hours of the day and continue from there.
Thank you all
Re: What's up with PSW?

I have a theory on Avi's problem, and that's that the server is hosted here in the USA, and given the location of PSW's offices, probably in MA. Because of this, you have to hop across a few different continents to get to the server. There are only a few connections across the atlantic and pacific, and I would be willing to bet you're having issues at times of high international traffic load… namely the World Cup this time of year. So, 10 dollars says that when the world cup games are on, you have more issues. If you want to test it, and you can prove the hypothesis wrong, I'll mail it to you. It's just a guess anyway.

I also have a theory that my issue is with my laptop, since I've been finding similar issues across other websites and it seems to be solved after a reset of my wireless card and remains consistent for a week to two weeks.
Re: What's up with PSW?

I have a theory on Avi's problem, and that's that the server is hosted here in the USA, and given the location of PSW's offices, probably in MA.

I don't know where PSW hosts, but just FYI our server is in Newark, we're incorporated in Delaware, most of the administration happens in Boston, and Cloudflare serves most of what you see here from their closest machine. Point being, their server could be anywhere. There are a few geolocation services that might tell you if you resolved their DNS record.
Re: What's up with PSW?

I have a theory on Avi's problem, and that's that the server is hosted here in the USA, and given the location of PSW's offices, probably in MA. Because of this, you have to hop across a few different continents to get to the server. There are only a few connections across the atlantic and pacific, and I would be willing to bet you're having issues at times of high international traffic load… namely the World Cup this time of year. So, 10 dollars says that when the world cup games are on, you have more issues. If you want to test it, and you can prove the hypothesis wrong, I'll mail it to you. It's just a guess anyway.

I also have a theory that my issue is with my laptop, since I've been finding similar issues across other websites and it seems to be solved after a reset of my wireless card and remains consistent for a week to two weeks.

And right now, PSW is blazingly fast. Perhaps they have load balancing issues.