I have an Alesis HD24 and experienced an odd situation the other night during a recording. I typically use Live Wire optical cables, but was missing one so I purchased a hosa cable that has tos-link style connecter and said it was compatible with adat. When i sent audio to the recorder I was seeing 8 nice independent levels, but then when I put the recorder in record that bank of 8 when nuts. it was as if I was sending 4 pairs of stereo signals at +30dBu levels. Channels 1, 3, 5 and 7 were identical and the evens were identical. That is to say the levels on the Odds were out of control, but the same. The odds were the same matching levels.
I might not be explaining this very well!
Anyone ever experience anything like that or know why these cables don't match -other than being HOSA
I might not be explaining this very well!
Anyone ever experience anything like that or know why these cables don't match -other than being HOSA