Win7 and Smaart.

Jan 19, 2011
Oslo, Norway, Norway
I ran into a problem today using one of my computers running Win7 when I tried to measure two different signals with the internal generator as reference. I could'nt get both inputs to display the same delay time when I looped pinknoise directly from output to both inputs. After an frustrating hour messing around with different settings I finally discovered that Smaart was running at 48K, but the playback and recording settings in Windows was 44.1K. Changed that to 48K, and everything was fine. Just a tip so you don't have to waste an hour like I did....

On another note: On a Vi1, if you run a channel through a group and then on to L/R, the latency difference is 0.25ms compared to running the same channel directly to L/R. This is without any processing on the group.
If you insert something in the analog domain on the same group, using the groups insert point and a line out/line in, the latency increases to 0.98ms.
I forgot to measure if the latency increases on the group if you use any kind of processing on it, have to do that next time.