Woah dodgy

Lisa Lane-Collins

Dec 9, 2012
Adelaide, Australia
If i understand correctly, a pub is about to be seized by the landlord and the leasee, who owns all the good AV gear in there and doesn't want to lose any of it, has started to remove his gear and wants to hire some off of me so it doesn't look like he's gutted it (...and any ownership dispute is not his problem....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DREAM ON!)
Re: Woah dodgy

Yep; especially with the new requirement in Oz to have your gear "registered". Idea being that you register your equipment with the Govt and then when something like this happens, you can pull your records from the register and prove you own it; no disputes. Of course, it costs money to have your gear registered.

And if you don't register.. and have proof of purchase in the form of invoice, serial numbers and everything like that.... not worth one penny. Receiver/administrator can claim the goods, sell and keep the money - because it's not on the register.

Remember folks - this is an Oz specific thing.

Re: Woah dodgy

If i understand correctly, a pub is about to be seized by the landlord and the leasee, who owns all the good AV gear in there and doesn't want to lose any of it, has started to remove his gear and wants to hire some off of me so it doesn't look like he's gutted it (...and any ownership dispute is not his problem....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DREAM ON!)

Not sure who is slimier here, the club owner, or the gear owner...

Walk away from this, and stay away.

Re: Woah dodgy

Hey now, this could be a sound business decision. Just make sure you have an airtight contract and that your rental rates are four times what the actual purchase price of your gear was. This could pay for a nice system upgrade or expansion.
Re: Woah dodgy

So if I get this correctly, he's taking out HIS gear because he's afraid that the landlord is going to lock the doors, and wants you to put your gear in place of it so that it looks as though he didn't remove anything?

Knowing that he's at risk of being locked out of the business, there's no chance I'd leave any gear in there while I'm not in the building. If the landlord locks the doors, you may have legal claim to your gear, but that doesn't mean it won't end up going through a court battle to get it.
Re: Woah dodgy

The whole approach of finding a way to service the venue's needs whilst charging an astronomical rate and not leaving anything there over night is Genius!! :-D

Won't bother pitching an offer like that to this guy cos can't be bothered but tucking that one away for future reference.

Did end up paying his venue a visit that night, and indeed, he did want to swap his fancy things out for some less fancy things of mine, but that it turns out, wasn't the main reason I'd been sent there. Out the back they have a handful of crummy old Wingo moving heads and a panscan, and a batman light, and some road cases, and a bunch of other stuff too trashed to be worth even the effort of moving. Which I still would have left behind but a whole team of people rocked up to move all these filing cabinets and shelving and miscellaneous things that once belonged to the Aids association of South Australia. (An association that has since become homeless, I hear these old news clippings and books have been moved under similar circumstances on at least 2 separate occasions and are destined next to be stored in a Rubber shop. I swear, you can't make this stuff up, reality Is stranger than fiction.) So, I let them load all the heavy crappy old lights out and scored some roadcases :)

(and the venue appears to still be open and trading but that doesn't mean dodgy leasee hasn't been given the boot.)