[FS] Wtb/fs lab sub / subs

Ben Lawrence

Mar 2, 2011
I have one lab sub that I had built a year or so ago. I have used it at probably 2-3 gigs. I am either looking to sell this to someone who might need one or buy more as the single is not doing me any good and I will just take out 2 double 18"s at this point. Cabinet is baltic birch with casters on back and 1/4" aluminum plates. If anyone in New England is selling 1-4 please let me know. Building this thing to spec was a expense in labor I am not willing to go through again. Dropped the ball on the units Silas was selling a bit back.
Re: Wtb/fs lab sub / subs

:lol: I've built 16 LAB subs so far, and yes, the 'expense in labor' is quite an understatement! I'd happily build you some if you wanted to get more rather than sell, though. And you know that 1 LAB is a complete waste of time - it takes at least 2 units to sound even halfway decent.
Re: Wtb/fs lab sub / subs

Anyone interested? Thinking like 500-600$. Drivers are essentially new. Can put up some pics if anyone would like. Otherwise might have to make a subwoofer for the van with these twelves. Don't make me go that route.