X-32 set-up Templates?

Sean McDaniel

Oct 31, 2013
Morris, IL USA
Does anyone have some X-32 configs they can post or email? I'm thinking they could act as templates or starting points for someone(like myself) such as "5 piece Rock Band" or "Church Ensemble". Would be nice to have a good starting point from an experienced user and be able to just tweak it.
Re: X-32 set-up Templates?

I've found that the best way to learn how to use the X32 and its extensive features is to set up your own templates.

Everyone is different.
One 5 piece rock band is different from the next. One may only need 12 inputs, another all 32.
One might only need three wedges, one might need five. Another might need two wedges and three IEMs.
Some might need bus groups set up, some might not.
Some might have all the FX racks in use, others only a few.
Using someone else's template might not actually help you, as you may find yourself spending more time trying to work out how things are routed, more than you would tweaking it to your taste.

Also, there's no standardisation. One venue with an installed X32 uses outputs 1 and 2 for the main L+R, which seems to go against they way the desk is out of the box (most desks seem to use 15+16 for this; I know the LS9 does...). I rocked up, copied my show file and then wondered why the FOH speakers were carrying a wedge mix.

Dive in and start playing. Plug in a mic or a keyboard and see what you can do and where you can send it.
From there you should be able to set the desk up according to how you want to work.


Re: X-32 set-up Templates?

All excellent point Karl. Thanks. Perhaps maybe some "channel presets" would be more in order. I noticed you can make and store your own but some factory presets for effects or compression would be nice. I do agree, however that the best way is to dive in and learn your way around.

Thanks again for your response,
Re: X-32 set-up Templates?

Sean, there is almost ZERO value in presets for compressors unless you have a couple of favorite settings you use often or build a library of settings for individual performers who require unusual settings and that rotate through (like a church band). For the most part, by the time you find a preset and load it, you could have just turned the knob...

Rather than input templates, I find *configuration* files to be more useful: FOH only, MON only, FOH/MON from same console, different operator preferences (cue follow/select follow, mix bus inserts, FX selections). All of them can be built off line with x32 Edit.

And speaking of Edit.... download it and use it to learn the mixer if you don't have full time access to the actual desk. It's very complete...
Re: X-32 set-up Templates?

Sean, there is almost ZERO value in presets for compressors unless you have a couple of favorite settings you use often or build a library of settings for individual performers who require unusual settings and that rotate through (like a church band). For the most part, by the time you find a preset and load it, you could have just turned the knob...

Rather than input templates, I find *configuration* files to be more useful: FOH only, MON only, FOH/MON from same console, different operator preferences (cue follow/select follow, mix bus inserts, FX selections). All of them can be built off line with x32 Edit.

And speaking of Edit.... download it and use it to learn the mixer if you don't have full time access to the actual desk. It's very complete...

I think config files were what I was originally thinking would be helpful as a starting point or shortcut. I will download x32 edit and learn my way around though. I think a config file for say FOH/MON setup would be helpful to load into x-32 edit and look at as well.

Thanks so much for the reply,
Re: X-32 set-up Templates?

That is something I'd really like to see built into the board. Yes, it can be done manually, but if there were a list of presets to pick from out of the box, it would be helpful for newbies to get an idea of where things should be.
Re: X-32 set-up Templates?

That is something I'd really like to see built into the board. Yes, it can be done manually, but if there were a list of presets to pick from out of the box, it would be helpful for newbies to get an idea of where things should be.

+1 Brian
That's what I would like to see. Maybe some factory configs down in the 90-100 range of the library. I DO see the value in working through the X32-edit software to get familiar too. Some of the webinars had links to config files to use and follow along in X32-edit. I kept the "Worship" one to work with instead of starting from scratch. Not letting me upload it though. Says invalid file type

Re: X-32 set-up Templates?

I've found that the best way to learn how to use the X32 and its extensive features is to set up your own templates.

This is what I did. I set up the mixer in my office and set up what I thought would be a 'basic' configuration. Then I kept working at it and re-saving every time I figured out how to 'tweak' something new. Then when I finally took it out on gigs I found other ways to tweak my 'basic' configuration. As Tim pointed out, you can even do this on your computer without setting up the desk but I found it was helpful to actually turn the knobs and figure out there may be several ways to make the same adjustments.

There are some good videos on YouTube that were helpful to me but basically just 'dive in'. Of course, you'll want to be well-versed before you take it on a gig.

And as Tim says: Good luck, have fun!
Re: X-32 set-up Templates?

May I just point out that there are some presets for channel (maybe not, can't really remember), routing and effects.
Effect presets are definitely the most valuable for everyday use, we have all relied heavily on the factory presets in our outboard units.
Routing presets, definitely good to get the idea of how it is supposed to look like, but every user and application is individual, and routing presets will only work if the system is connected up the way that the preset necessitates.
I guess what could be marginally helpful would be to post some presets and scenes that corresponds to the connection examples in the quick start guides and manuals.