X32 parameter safe problem.
I was playing with the xcontrol and the xedit software and discovered something that doesn’t seem to be right. They both behave the same way so it is consistent. In the scene view if you select param safe and input channels (the first column) the mute selection. If you select mute it also seems to safe the fader also not just the mute.
Is this only the offline software that behaves this way or is it also the console.
I was playing with the xcontrol and the xedit software and discovered something that doesn’t seem to be right. They both behave the same way so it is consistent. In the scene view if you select param safe and input channels (the first column) the mute selection. If you select mute it also seems to safe the fader also not just the mute.
Is this only the offline software that behaves this way or is it also the console.