X32 to S32 setup

Shannon Johnson

New member
Jun 26, 2020
Marshall MO
I’ve recently replaced my analog snake with an S 32. the S32 is mounted in my equipment rack for the wireless mics and amp.
I was able to get my 32 inputs set up both physically and programmed into the console. However it is the output of the S 32 into the amp that I cannot find information on how to integrate and configure the console. The amp power a single cluster. Any suggestions, diagrams, tutorials on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.
Here's enough to keep you busy until I have an X32 in front of me and it presumes you othewise are using default outputs and you don't need any LOCAL outputs at the mixer:

Routing button, scroll over to OUTPUT tab. You want to route Outputs 1-8 and 9-16 to AES50A 1-8 and 9-16. The outputs on your S32 will now be the same as if on the back of your mixer.
I would suggest looking at the videos created by Drew Brashler. He created a few playlists for the X32. He just released a set for the new X32 version 4.* firmware. Just search for him on Youtube.
Hi @Bob DeRuiter - if Shannon can get the S32 inputs to work, he's a couple tabs over on the same screen to get the outputs to work. He just needs to poke it more or, alternately, READ THE "fine" MANUAL that came with his S32. The info is in there and on the screen of his mixer. He logged in 3 days ago but did not respond.
Believe it or not is was a firmware upgrade that solved the issue. The new console was still on 3.12 and after the Drew Brashler video, I upgraded and was able to complete the setup. Thanks, everyone!
What's nice about ver. 4.* is you can now route 1:1. You can put any channel from the physical board or digital snake on any channel. Before you had to do this in blocks of 8.
It could have been the S32 was on the newest (2.4?) firmware. Not sure if it matters to the board but that may be the reason with a new S32 having the latest firmware. The older firmware on the desk not able to communicate with the newer S32 firmware?
This was an output routing problem, not an input issue. I suspect when the OP updated the firmware (and if the S32 was connected) the output routing was reset to default and it now works. By default the S32 outputs replicate the 16 XLR outputs on a full size X32.
Sorry to hijack an old thread, but I need help and have been unable to find a solution. I have an X32 Compact connected with an S32 stagebox. I can get the inputs from the stagebox to work. I have my IEM set up in XLR outputs 1 through 8 and they come through the stagebox as well. I have tried for several days to figure out how to route the main Left and Right outputs to 15 and 16, but cannot find it in the manual or in any videos or forums. Because I have a compact mixer, my XLR output page only covers 1 through 8. 9 through 16 are unassigned and I can’t find a way to assign them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry to hijack an old thread, but I need help and have been unable to find a solution. I have an X32 Compact connected with an S32 stagebox. I can get the inputs from the stagebox to work. I have my IEM set up in XLR outputs 1 through 8 and they come through the stagebox as well. I have tried for several days to figure out how to route the main Left and Right outputs to 15 and 16, but cannot find it in the manual or in any videos or forums. Because I have a compact mixer, my XLR output page only covers 1 through 8. 9 through 16 are unassigned and I can’t find a way to assign them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The best way to think of "Out 1-16" is a patch bay. You assign what you want to these "numbers" and how you want them to go out in relation to the Master Faders, Pre/Post fade,eq etc. Then different sections of the desk "Patch In" from these numbers. Your Compact only has 8 out so the other 8 can't be assigned to XLR's that it doesn't have. So 9-16 are not assigned to the "desk" but they are still "there" to be patched out to AES50. Put your Left and Right in 15 and 16 in the "out 1-16" tab and make sure in AES50 OUT it is assigned correctly, and you'll be good to go.


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