Xi-1122/85 Questions

Robert Healey

Jan 20, 2011
Lawrence, KS
Anyone using EV Xi-1122s? I'm thinking about picking up a used pair and was wondering if anyone has opionions on the box. Do they get loud enough for a small rock show?

In terms of amplification I've got a Crown XTi4000 and XTi2000 that I would probably end up using for now, but I'd like move away from the XTis at some point. If you own them, what are you using?

Also, will I be able to live with the XTis DSP, or would it be a good idea to get a DX38 processor?

Finally, does $700 a box used sound like a deal? I'm not quite sure what the pricing is new.
Re: Xi-1122/85 Questions

How small is small? There is only so much a 12" 2-way, 80x55 box can output, and 'throw'.

I haven't used that exact model, but we have installed various Xi systems, typically the large format models. With Dx46 or NetMax and FIR drive, they sound nice and have solid output.
Re: Xi-1122/85 Questions

I think you'd be asking for trouble with just a single 12 per side for rock shows. Depending on stage volume, you could end up really pushing them hard just to get the vocals on top over drums and loud guitar amps.
Re: Xi-1122/85 Questions

Thanks guys. I don't do many rock shows - mostly speech and playback, but size and weight are probably more important than loud. I'd like to end up with a pair of QRx212s, but a pole mount would be ideal and I don't think I could lift the 212s myself

If I can get the price down, it sounds like the 1122s may be a good fit.

Kemper, what were you using for amplification?
Re: Xi-1122/85 Questions

While I haven't heard the Xi-1122/85 boxes, I have a pair of TCS boxes that fill the same niche with very similar specifications. I use them with a pair of single 18" Subs. I make a ton of money with this little P.A. I can't vouch for the price on the EV boxes you are looking at but I just know that boxes like that can be very handy, have a great ROI and can get you work that you may not have been doing before. I use mine for moderate output events with anything from rock bands to talking heads and I have not had an issue.

I have also been using my little rig for Texas headphones for EDM concerts with international DJs and they all love the setup.

I do agree with one of the other posters that if you have a really loud stage volume you might have issues but again, these types of boxes have thier places.
Re: Xi-1122/85 Questions

While I haven't heard the Xi-1122/85 boxes, I have a pair of TCS boxes that fill the same niche with very similar specifications. I use them with a pair of single 18" Subs. I make a ton of money with this little P.A. I can't vouch for the price on the EV boxes you are looking at but I just know that boxes like that can be very handy, have a great ROI and can get you work that you may not have been doing before. I use mine for moderate output events with anything from rock bands to talking heads and I have not had an issue.

I have also been using my little rig for Texas headphones for EDM concerts with international DJs and they all love the setup.

I do agree with one of the other posters that if you have a really loud stage volume you might have issues but again, these types of boxes have thier places.

Even with my previous post, Ryan has a good point about boxes like this being handy and useful money makers. If it fits the needs for most of your events they seem like a decent fit, I havent used those but I can vouch for QRX 115, 112, 153 and 212. You should be able to find a pair of 115s or 112s for 1300 or less.