Yamaha 01v96 cascade link with LS9?

Michael John

Jun 25, 2011
Sydney, Australia

Has anyone tried, or does anyone know, if "cascade link" works between an 01v96 and a LS9?

The user guides for both products only talk about "cascade link" between identical products. I know it's possible to set routing between the two different boards but I'm interested in linking some basic control.

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Re: Yamaha 01v96 cascade link with LS9?


Has anyone tried, or does anyone know, if "cascade link" works between an 01v96 and a LS9?

The user guides for both products only talk about "cascade link" between identical products. I know it's possible to set routing between the two different boards but I'm interested in linking some basic control.


i've not done this, but i've cascaded other yamaha desks and done a LOT of midi work with the 01v96. my guess is that scene recall would be easy. cue/solo functions might be trickier. when i was trying to remote access the cue function in my 01v96 i found that the midi command used for cue function was a non-standard midi command. i want to say i remember reading when i was doing all that that each yamaha desk had it's own custom midi strings for a lot of these functions.

i'd be very interested as well to know if anyone has more info on this...