Yamaha CL firmware update - v1.15 now out

Re: Yamaha CL firmware update - v1.15 now out


Just happened to be perusing the site during lunch. Was about to crack ours open this afternoon for v1.14....

Geri O
Re: Yamaha CL firmware update - v1.15 now out

I would urge all users in North America to wait awhile until it is certified and posted on the Yamaha Commercial Audio site. Yamaha Commercial Audio takes a couple of extra testing steps before releasing to the North American users. If something gets borked up, you may be on the hook until it gets sorted out. Besides, I'm in the middle of a show, so I won't update mine until after the first of the year anyway.

But since we are talking about it...does anyone else have the problem that you are unable to get the clock and date set correctly on the console? I've been trying since we got ours and the new date and time won't take. I even had the same problem on the console at the CL training in Dallas, but for whatever reason after setting it a half dozen or so times, it finally took. Not so much on our CL5 here.
Re: Yamaha CL firmware update - v1.15 now out

What was the bug?
Yamaha said:
Please do not edit the channel labels in Dante Controller when using firmware V1.14 or earlier. It has been reported that editing channel labels in Dante Controller can possibly cause an error in CL/Rio that requires repair by Yamaha service personnel.
This issue has been fixed in v1.15.

I feel sorry for who ever discovered this one.

Re: Yamaha CL firmware update - v1.15 now out

By the way... for the Dante part of each update you have to use a computer with an IP address compatible with the Dante addresses. This is in the 169.254.x.x subnet, and it's often a "couldn't get a DHCP address" default. But I've found it generally easier to just assign the computer a static IP address like and subnet mask to get things rolling faster.

And rebooting things sometimes helps as well. This part of the firmware updates ought to be a lot easier, though it's a tricky thing to do updates to a little circuit card stuffed inside somebody else's product. Give yourself a couple hours to do the console, Rio racks, etc. - I've done it a couple times and still plan on an hour just in case. Actual "watching it update" time is more like 15-30 minutes all told.
Re: Yamaha CL firmware update - v1.15 now out

Hi, Scott, a couple of questions, if I may...

I'm familiar with updating 5Ds, M7s, etc. But I'm not clear on the procedure with the CLs.

Am I understand correctly that there is the Yamaha update and the Dante update to BOTH the CL surface AND the Rio box? And when performing the updates, should they be done in a certain order, as in the Yamaha part first, then the Dante part, or the other way around? I understand making the IP connections.

I love the CLs, but yeah, the update process does seem rather clumsy, with the update guides being just a little vague on some details.

Geri O
Re: Yamaha CL firmware update - v1.15 now out

There are separate downloads for each CL (1, 3, 5) and for each Rio (3224, 1608). So grab each appropriate download, extract all, etc. Bear in mind that each product has TWO updates - one for the Yamaha hardware, and one for the little red Dante card tucked inside. All of this is reasonably well documented in the PDF included with each download, including step-by-step instructions. Trust those instructions rather than mine if there is any doubt.

In each case you will do the Yamaha update before doing the Dante update.

For the CL:
1. Grab the appropriate files out of the download and put them on the root directory of a USB memory, and have it inserted while powering up the console. This is exactly the same as for an LS9 or M7CL. Reboot when instructed, etc.
2. From the download you install the Dante Firmware Update Manager application on a computer (Mac or Win). Then you need to set the computer to a compatible address in the 169.254.x.x subnet (if it can't make up its own). Disable wifi, etc. to avoid confusing things. Connect computer Ethernet port directly to the Dante primary port on the console, and run the Firmware Update Manager. You'll have to browse into the downloaded files to find the Dante update file for the console, then go through the screens to identify and update the console. This is pretty simple, though might take a couple tries with the network settings to get it to work.

For the Rio:
1. Extract the files, yada yada. You'll have to set your computer IP address to with a subnet mask of Won't work otherwise. Connect directly between computer and Dante primary port, and set the Rio DIP switches on the front panel as described in the instructions. Power up the Rio, then run the update.exe program from the same directory as the instruction PDF - the rest is fairly obvious: click on "connection", and if it gives you a version number instead of an error you can click on "update" to update the Rio. Quit the program when done.
2. Same set of steps as for the console Dante update, including setting IP address differently.

Note that while you have to do the steps in the above order, you can also work in batches - do the Yamaha update on each of your Rio racks, then change IP address on your computer and do all the Dante update on each Rio.
Re: Yamaha CL firmware update - v1.15 now out

Thanx for the response, Scott, and I apologize for the late response...

After reading your response, I sat down with the update guides and ingested the procedure thoroughly. I feel better about undertaking the updates.

My only question at this point concerns using a MacBook Pro (Dec 2011 model running Mountain Lion). I don't see any references to Mac in the Dante parts of the update, but I have Mac folders in the Dante update download. I can configure the IP stuff in the Mac, but I just wanted to make sure that the Mac will run all of the update procedures before I get in the middle of the updates and run into something goofy. I can get my hands on a Win7 machine, if it's preferable to do.

Thanx again, I appreciate the time.

Geri o