Yamaha CL patching question

Re: Yamaha CL patching question

That is correct. You have to go through a channel strip to take a signal from the omnis/slots to Dante, or vice versa.


This is something you now don't have to do on a QL, and will be changing in CL V2, so you will be able to patch any input to any output without passing through the channel.
Re: Yamaha CL patching question

Which, incidentally, is quite a big deal for some applications and is something that currently only the Midas products can do (in the live sound market, pretty much all the broadcast products out there have a router backend).

It basically allows you to use the console as a router. Broadcasters will love this
Re: Yamaha CL patching question

For those of you more familiar in the world of CL5s.

Can you route a signal to/from Dante to a slot card directly?
AFAIK you have to route this through a channel or an matrix/bus. Am I missing something or is this the only way.

Not really what you're asking, but I'll comment this: A lot of people forget about the usability of the cascade connections on Yamaha desks.

Here is one option: Let's say you have a few signals coming in from the Dante network, and you just want to have them appear analog on a few omni outputs.

You could patch the incoming signals from the Dante stream to various buses already hitting those omni outputs using the cascade menu.

The incoming signals would obviously be added to whatever else the console might already be feeding those omni's as well.

In some cases, one has unused buses or matrices, and you can eat those instead of channels on the desk.
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