We all know the precision and details for which the Yamaha manuals are renowned. For sale is a new from the box RK1 manual.
This manual includes log(263[SUP]4[/SUP]/12!) pages in 5 languages (none of which i seem to be able to read). Includes Yamahaese which looks very similar to technical English but with random changes to meanings of common terms. I have been assured by the local sushi chef that the Japanese instructions are the same as the German instructions. I don't know what those instructions say.
I can ship anywhere world wide from 20688 in electronic format or by your choice of UPS, USPS, FedEx or carrier pigeon in the US. Or for I slight service fee ($800-$2400 depending on location) I will hand deliver it myself.
I can accept any form of payment legal in the US except bank drafts by Nigerian Princes.
This manual includes log(263[SUP]4[/SUP]/12!) pages in 5 languages (none of which i seem to be able to read). Includes Yamahaese which looks very similar to technical English but with random changes to meanings of common terms. I have been assured by the local sushi chef that the Japanese instructions are the same as the German instructions. I don't know what those instructions say.
I can ship anywhere world wide from 20688 in electronic format or by your choice of UPS, USPS, FedEx or carrier pigeon in the US. Or for I slight service fee ($800-$2400 depending on location) I will hand deliver it myself.
I can accept any form of payment legal in the US except bank drafts by Nigerian Princes.