[FS] Yamaha RK1 Manual $1927

Jay Barracato

Graduate Student
Jan 11, 2011
Solomons MD
We all know the precision and details for which the Yamaha manuals are renowned. For sale is a new from the box RK1 manual.

This manual includes log(263[SUP]4[/SUP]/12!) pages in 5 languages (none of which i seem to be able to read). Includes Yamahaese which looks very similar to technical English but with random changes to meanings of common terms. I have been assured by the local sushi chef that the Japanese instructions are the same as the German instructions. I don't know what those instructions say.

I can ship anywhere world wide from 20688 in electronic format or by your choice of UPS, USPS, FedEx or carrier pigeon in the US. Or for I slight service fee ($800-$2400 depending on location) I will hand deliver it myself.

I can accept any form of payment legal in the US except bank drafts by Nigerian Princes.
Re: Yamaha RK1 Manual $1927

We all know the precision and details for which the Yamaha manuals are renowned. For sale is a new from the box RK1 manual.

This manual includes log(263[SUP]4[/SUP]/12!) pages in 5 languages (none of which i seem to be able to read). Includes Yamahaese which looks very similar to technical English but with random changes to meanings of common terms. I have been assured by the local sushi chef that the Japanese instructions are the same as the German instructions. I don't know what those instructions say.

I can ship anywhere world wide from 20688 in electronic format or by your choice of UPS, USPS, FedEx or carrier pigeon in the US. Or for I slight service fee ($800-$2400 depending on location) I will hand deliver it myself.

I can accept any form of payment legal in the US except bank drafts by Nigerian Princes.

I might be interested if you can prove it's exactly the number of pages you claim. #yesicalculatedthat
Re: Yamaha RK1 Manual $1927


For you I will discount it by the same amount or convert to a natural log if you like ( rules of significant figures apply)
For $1927, all of the figures are significant. Since it appears you have falsely advertized your product, I withdraw my offer, and will be content reading the manuals for the pair of RK-1's I already own for my 01v96's.
For $1927, all of the figures are significant. Since it appears you have falsely advertized your product, I withdraw my offer, and will be content reading the manuals for the pair of RK-1's I already own for my 01v96's.

While you are at it, could you figure out what the German actually says? My German is extremely rustly but it looks to me like "bratwurst" is mentioned in the second paragraph.