[ATTACH=CONFIG]196341.vB5-legacyid=4201[/ATTACH]Market Place Theatre & Arts Centre in Armagh, Northern Ireland, has become one of the first venues in the world to install Allen & Heath’s new GLD digital mixer, comprising a GLD-80 mixer plus an AR84 I/O rack in the control room, and an AR2412 rack down on the stage floor.

Replacing an existing analogue desk, the installation is part of a wider overhaul of the venue’s analogue audio infrastructure, which includes installing Cat5 around the building to allow connection of an expander I/O rack to the GLD-80 mixer.

“We have a team of four technicians, and we all put forward names of desks we thought may be suitable, as well as consulting industry colleagues. We demoed a few desks before making our choice but the GLD came out on top for price, ease of use and input capacity. Moreover, it sounded the best in our comparison listening tests,” commented technician, Gary Bawden.

The venue hosts many different types of events, including theatre, music, dance, comedy and conferences, which the new GLD system will be managing.

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“We’ve been really impressed with how easy it is to configure and move things around on the desk. Being able to colour code things is a neat feature. Also, the way this desk accesses auxiliaries is really good, almost a reverse logic of most other desks. The RTA is amazing and makes it so easy to squeak your monitors,” concludes Gary.


Established for over 40 years, Allen & Heath designs and manufactures professional audio mixing consoles for an international clientele in the live sound, installed systems and nightclub markets.