Martin Audio’s Mexican rental partner, Audio Teck Pro, recently deployed a large WPL line array and MLA deployment to provide comprehensive coverage throughout the 10,500-cap multipurpose venue.

Audio Teck Pro systems engineer Raúl Román, explained how the supreme multi-cellular control of Martin Audio once again helped overcome the challenges—particularly in this case of heat and humidity—to deliver a supreme and consummate audio performance.

“In our experience it is a great advantage to have Martin Audio equipment in our inventory as the brand is frequently requested on artists’ riders, and the systems always respond well. Other brands we have used do not achieve the same results, especially in the treble; this is very important because with other equipment, the treble starts to fall away at a distance of about 50 or 60 meters whereas with Martin Audio it reaches a distance of 100 meters comfortably without problems—which is a great advantage.”

He says this is corroborated by the Smaart software readings where the treble part, measures 16,000Hz, unlike other brands, which are 12,000Hz max. “With Martin Audio, everything sounds coherent, very clear and transparent, and at the same level, and this  is what distinguishes from others,” Raúl Román continues. “And as far as the subwoofers are concerned, there is no comparison; they outperform other brands with depth and tone that other subs do not have.”

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By entering the precise information into the software, the system gives you what you really need from venue to venue, he confirms. “When you have done this and start walking around the venue you hear everything completely at the same level, with the same quality of frequency response, with a very clear, transparent sound.”

The full deployment at the GNP Acapulco Arena included 16 WPL per side for the main hang, run off iKON amps (in 2-box resolution) and eight MLA per side for outfill. Subs comprised 24 SXH218 in an Inverted stack array. By designing it in a cardioid arc, it was able to cover 120° and provide a homogeneous and coherent coverage from the first rows to the farthest, right at the top of the venue. So complete was the coverage that only minimal front fill coverage was required.

With the heat in Acapulco, they are used to temperatures ranging between 36° and above 40° in one of them with a wind chill of 49°. “But even with Acapulco’s hot and humid weather, the sound travels fabulously and remains impressive, both near and far.

The sound that was achieved at the GNP Arena was considered a real breakthrough, and Raúl Román believes it will increase Martin Audio’s visibility on tours throughout Latin America. “What took place at the GNP Acapulco Arena was clear proof,” he summarized.

In conclusion, the Audio Teck Pro system designer says the production crew were delighted with the outcome. “They  have used other brands but so far this is the only one that has met the requirements in complicated venues where achieving consistent sound pressure and frequency response are challenging. It is always surprising that while other brands need to add delay points to maintain system integrity in the highest and farthest places, with Martin Audio such integrity is present throughout the entire coverage area without the need for delays.”

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