
Berlin Academy Installs GS-R24 In Its New Recording Studio

[ATTACH=CONFIG]198379.vB5-legacyid=8093[/ATTACH]The School of Entertainment & Technology (SET) in Berlin, Germany, has installed an Allen & Heath GS-R24M mixing console in its recording studio.

SET is managed alongside the School of Health, Sport, Technology and the Arts that makes up the Berlin Academy. Current investment plans are dedicated to improving the field of music and media, and in addition to a fully-fledged recording studio, the institute is also building a video studio and various seminar halls.

Following extensive comparisons, SET decided to purchase a GS-R24M mixer with a GSR-24-A-Fire Firewire / ADAT card.

“We wanted to have an analogue console that could also be used in conjunction with a DAW,” explains Horst Haubrich, head of the SET Academy. “With most analogue consoles, it would be necessary to also purchase a DAW controller but that is not the case with the GS-R24M, which combines the world of analogue and digital perfectly. Not only can it function as a conventional mixer with all the associated benefits but also as a controller for various DAWs – all at a very convincing price-performance ratio! ”

“A new firmware update equips the GS-R24 with additional control that enables the highest possible integration with Pro Tools ever achieved by an analogue mixer at this price point,” says A&H product specialist, Nicola Beretta. “It’s like having a dedicated HUI controller embedded in the analogue heart of GS-R24. You press a channel Select button, and you get instant access to all key functions in the master section.”



Established for over 40 years, Allen & Heath designs and manufactures professional audio mixing consoles for an international clientele in the live sound, installed systems and nightclub markets.