
EAW Upgrades Adaptive Instantly With Resolution v2.3 Software 

[ATTACH=JSON]206424.vB5-nodeid=206424[/ATTACH]Whitinsville, MA (May 2017) – Eastern Acoustic Works (EAW) has announced the availability of Resolution v2.3 software. The software upgrade, available immediately to EAW Resolution users or on the EAW website, provides users with a number of updates, including three major features – Spatial Equalization, improved Air Loss Compensation and a time-saving Preset Recall function.

“One of the core values of our Adaptive platform is upgradeability,” explains Adam Shulman, Director of Marketing and Applications Engineering. “With this release of Resolution, we are truly delivering on our promise of providing users with a system that can expand and innovate, tangibly improving performance, via software alone.”

The new Spatial Equalization (EQ) feature utilizes technology that allows users to equalize parts of the coverage by simply selecting the audience areas in which the change is desired and making an adjustment, resulting in tremendous time savings during system setup. Spatial EQ eliminates the process typically required of system engineers with traditional arrays, whereby the user must determine which part of the array serves the section of the audience they want to affect, adjust, re-check to see if the effect has been achieved or if there have been negative effects in other sections, and then make further adjustments based on their findings. And because Adaptive Systems have such a high transducer resolution, Spatial EQ offers far greater precision and accuracy as compared to traditional mechanically-articulated line arrays where adjustments can only be made to entire zones at a time.

The new version of Resolution also provides an Air Loss Compensation algorithm for Adaptive systems, generating significantly greater high-frequency throw while also improving HF consistency throughout the entire venue. Additionally, this feature allows users to optimize the HF response of their system for different situations, trading between headroom, throw and extension, providing up to 12 dB of additional HF energy at distances of 300 feet or more from the array.

“EAW takes pride in constantly re-examining real-world system usage to continue to find opportunities to improve performance, even long after a product is launched” adds Shulman. “The improved Air Loss Compensation algorithm is one such example. The previous iteration of this technology worked very well, but with Adaptive Systems we found ways to push it even further while using the same hardware and without any added effort or investment from our customers.”

Lastly, users can now easily store and recall system presets via Resolution for quick access. With this feature, radically different coverage and voicing settings can be recalled within seconds with only a few mouse clicks, enabling users of all skill levels to leverage the enormous power of Adaptive Systems. As an example, Preset Recall could be used with a permanently-installed system to accommodate different venue uses – the main floor only, the main floor + the balcony, and only a section of the main floor, as examples – depending on attendance for a particular event. This ensures that the sound system is directing energy only where there are audience members, minimizing reverberation and enhancing clarity.

“It’s unheard of to offer our customers these types of features via a software upgrade,” concludes Shulman. “A quick download and install and they will have three new features that will immediately improve their workflow and results. The idea of these products as platforms is exactly what we envisioned when we introduced Adaptive Systems. And we’re just getting started.”
About EAW

Eastern Acoustic Works® (EAW®) is a global leader in high-performance, professional loudspeaker system design and manufacturing. Founded in 1978, EAW delivers sound reinforcement solutions for the world’s most popular concert tours and renowned permanent installations. EAW is also known for numerous breakthrough technologies including first-patented designs for digitally modeling, focusing, and aiming and steering arrays. EAW designs its products at its headquarters in Whitinsville, MA, USA in addition to hosting research and development, engineering, sales & marketing, support and administration.