
Majic Productions Expands with Allen & Heath

[ATTACH=CONFIG]198668.vB5-legacyid=9028[/ATTACH]At the age of twelve, Mike Jurken started running his own DJ business, and fourteen years later is President and CEO of Majic Productions, a major player in the event production world, running 1000 events a year with a client roster including Fortune 500 companies ranging from Harley-Davidson to Northwestern Mutual, as well as high profile non-profits such as The Boys & Girls Clubs of America and The American Red Cross.

The real proving ground for any audio gear is in the weekly, month in and month out park concerts, hotel conferences and other ongoing special events. A FOH audio engineer faces a diversity of challenges at outdoor events that are very different from the challenges found in a hotel conference room or poolside for a raucous fundraiser. In every situation an Engineer needs options for mixing sound, sometimes a lot of options.

“Allen & Heath has provided us with new tools to improve our production value to its fullest potential,” states Mike Jurken.

“In addition to the excellent tools provided on the new Allen & Heath boards, the Touchscreen provides visual references that are not found on other boards such as EQ, compressor, gate, drag and drop channel routing, and RTA,” continues Majic’s lead sound technician, Logan Byrne.

FOH placement at events not staged in a standard venue is frequently awkward. For Logan and his team, the nightmare is now over:

“Using an iPad to utilize the Allen & Heath Qu-Pad app has changed the way we run shows. After being stuck on the side of the stage, with limited or absolutely no view, Qu-Pad has given us the gift of being able to leave Front of House without leaving the board. Now we can take a walk to the back of the room and be able to control the entire board wirelessly from an iPad.”

“The sound of the board was the first thing that stood out to me. I sat down with the GLD-80 to do a sound check with a band I had never worked with before. After checking all the lines, I had them run through an entire song. The first minute I just listened, the board response sounded beautiful, and I hadn’t even started to play yet. Working with the new line of Allen & Heath products can only be summed up with two words: game changing. I’ve worked with numerous other digital consoles and this tops the list,” continues Logan.

And, as Mike Jurken concurs, “Allen & Heath has been able to provided us with the ability to provide better audio solutions for our clients.”

Allen & Heath
Established for over 40 years, Allen & Heath designs and manufactures professional audio mixing consoles for an international clientele in the live sound, installed systems, worship facilities and nightclub markets.