
Mexican Bicentennial Centre Installs iLive

[ATTACH=CONFIG]199424.vB5-legacyid=10897[/ATTACH]As part of the celebrations of the bicentennial of the Mexican Revolution and the centenary of the Revolution, the government of the State of Mexico constructed the Mexiquense Bicentennial Cultural Centre (CCMB) in Texcoco near the city of Mexico selecting iLive systems throughout.

The building houses a library, a museum, art workshops, an auditorium, a 1,300 seat theatre and an outdoor theatre. The venue hosts conferences and performances by national and international performers, with the aim of making the arts accessible to the general public.

In the main theatre an iLive-144 control surface and iDR-48 MixRack were installed at FOH, with an iLive-T112 surface and another iDR-48 MixRack for monitors. For the outdoor theatre iLive-T112 surfaces and iDR-48 Mixracks were installed for both FOH and Monitors.

“I love the iLive – the routing is very easy, the sound of the preamps is incredible, and processing controls are available on the surface so it is not necessary to work just on the screen. The option to create custom layers is the best feature of all. It is the easiest mixer to operate!” comments CCMB’s head of audio, Ivan.


Established for over 40 years, Allen & Heath designs and manufactures professional audio mixing consoles for an international clientele in the live sound, installed systems and nightclub markets.