
MM-Acoustics Firstborn Hits the Market

[ATTACH=CONFIG]199153.vB5-legacyid=10312[/ATTACH]Skopje, Macedonia – Macedonian MM-Acoustics released its first product on the market.

Audiolab from Novi Sad, Serbia has adopted the first ever MM-Acoustics product.

After a demo at the MM-Acoustics production facility in Skopje, Macedonia, they didn’t look further.

A first shipment of M28LA line array elements driven by PKN XE6000 amplifier has already been delivered.

Dejan Tatic and Aleksandar Zec confirmed that the system is already booked for the upcoming EXIT festival in Novi Sad and it will have its first serious festival gig.

“The system sounds particularly good, it’s compact, but with not– so- compact performance. It will allow us to cover gigs starting from as low as 300 people (two boxes per side), but it will also allow us to grow with the same system to its full potential, covering 3000+ audience in the future” , said Dejan Tatic.

M28LA passive modular line array source features 2-way passive (bi-amp) design equipped with 2×8 inch LF speaker in a port assisted horn loaded configuration, allowing increased sensitivity and SPL. The multicell LF horn configuration provides seamless inter-element coupling of the LF driver up to the crossover point.

HF section consists of one 1.75 inch annular diaphragm driver coupled to a proprietary waveguide. The box configuration generates a symmetrical 90 degree horizontal coverage with no apparent lobes in its entire frequency range.

Each of the system elements can be curved up to 16 degrees without breaking the inter-element acoustic coupling.
M28LA line source element is made of premium grade Baltic birch plywood to provide maximum acoustical and mechanical integrity.

The system is designed to provide the specified performance in a group of minimum 4 boxes.

Each element has nominal 16 ohm impedance and the system is driven by a dedicated PKN XE6000 amplifier which provides clean undistorted power with a significant headroom and excellent system protection.

For full product info visit [url][/url]