[ATTACH=CONFIG]196803.vB5-legacyid=6133[/ATTACH]Vancouver BC, Radial Engineering is pleased to announce that it has recently moved their R&D department to a larger area in the facility in order to accommodate the growing team.

The new department is divided into three sections: The first houses the engineering team where circuit design, PCB layout and metal drafting occurs. The second is a meeting room where the R&D team gathers to vet out new designs, part requirements, and development schedules. The third is the new test studio dubbed ‘Studio Eh’ in honor of Radial’s Canadian heritage.

‘Studio Eh’ is equipped with a wide range of microphones, monitors, guitars, amplifiers, keyboards, a digital workstation and all of the gear you would normally find in a working studio. General Manager Mike Hill comments: “We grew to the point where we felt it was time to take over the last 5000 square feet in our building that was previously leased out. The extra warehouse space not only helps us manage inventory overflow, but this area now houses cable prep, trade show prep, the workbench and old files. We upgraded the office area with a new kitchen, updated washroom, R&D office and of course the studio. This finally gives our R&D team some quiet space where they can focus on next-generation products without worrying about interrupting others when they turn up the volume!”

When asked what happens in the studio Company President Peter Janis had this to say: “Almost every day starts with a review of what is happening in R&D. I will get on the phone and speak to the design team regarding features that need to be implemented and then will often end my day testing and listening to products that are in some stage of development. Studio Eh! is a fantastic facility for this type of thing. The room measures about 12′ x 16′ and is fully treated with Primacoustic Broadway panels and MaxTrap bass traps to eliminate room modes. Thanks to the MaxTraps, it is truly a joy to work in as Studio-Eh! does not have the low frequency problems that we had in the previous room. We use a Workhorse with two PowerPre’s and switch between Dynaudio, Yamaha, Hafler and Focal monitors, depending on what we are doing. We also have an iso-room across the hall that is wired with tie lines to test loud amps. This room is equipped with two Marshall amps, a Mesa Boogie half stack, four Fender combos, a THD half stack, an Ampeg SVT and a collection of electric and acoustic guitars, basses and other knicknacks!” Janis continues: “I have the best job in the world! I get to speak with artists, engineers and technicians every day and create solutions. Studio-Eh! makes it even easier to get the job done.”

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About Radial Engineering Ltd.
Radial Engineering Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of fine products used by audio professionals
and musicians around the world.