[ATTACH=CONFIG]200438.vB5-legacyid=12127[/ATTACH]Vancouver, BC – Radial Engineering Ltd., is pleased to announce the Trim-Two, a passive stereo isolator designed to simplify the use of laptop computers for keyboard players, DJs and audio-visual presenters by providing a ‘ready access’ volume control for on-the-fly adjustments when performing on a live stage.

Radial Sales Manager Roc Bubel explains: “In recent years, there has been a steady shift towards the use of a laptop as a sound source for live performance instead of a CD player, keyboard or sound module. For instance, a laptop is easily combined with a master keyboard using a USB interface to provide a huge selection of digitally generated sound files plus a suitable data screen that can then be controlled as if a sound module. Where these setups fall short is the required use of a mouse for simple tasks such as adjusting the volume. The Trim-Two is a passive device that at once makes adjusting the volume easy while providing an isolated output to feed a PA system.”

The design begins with dual ¼” jacks, left and right RCAs and a stereo 3.5mm input. These are wired in parallel to allow the signal to be split off to feed an alternate signal path such as monitors. Inside, two great sounding Eclipse transformers do the work of isolating and balancing the signal. These ‘passive engines’ deliver a linear frequency response from 20Hz to 18kHz and are capable of handling up to +15dB signal levels thus providing typical -10dB keyboards and consumer level devices with plenty of headroom. An easy access front panel stereo level control makes adjusting the volume a snap.Play your sound files using the Trim-Two by connecting it from the headphone output of your tablet to the 3.5mm input on the Trim-Two. Use the volume control to adjust the level and avoid distortion.

Transformers provide galvanic isolation between the source and the destination and are extremely effective at eliminating ground loops. One merely connects the source to the Trim-Two and then the male XLR outputs to the PA system. As the Trim-Two is completely passive, no power is required.

Made in Canada from heavy duty 14 gauge steel, the Trim-Two features Radial’s unique book-end design that creates protective zones around the connectors and controls. Inside, the unique I-beam frame protects the sensitive inner workings from potential damage that could torque the PC board and cause solder points to prematurely go cold. The steel casing also provides shielding against external magnetic fields.

MAP for the Trim-Two is $149.99 USD.

[URL=”http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001FQLASXq0UZ94j8hzSud5MTB3D0f3LvMEVdrLUgDPhm0SXQ-HrvVpZqFnUuQrztAkDwI4aVtw9Gc9f4DrwNUVq1cQ-zlMzmjDjJXth6wGVprXO-Nq440Po4cmO_BGY8k0MsGU37KdK35-Zy8b1No5PSxzAX_O95lwIVWzSlXYTDB-BlNoF_e0ge56QCdrxelh&c=F-qlheQ7XbexRiLPdFF5chEgyd7knvjfImUnhAOB4kD6KEOXDL27GA==&ch=wiBMeCSViOprL7lY_ZOT226dqNRMGtg6RgwIVB7n7UIYNn58T7HxAg==”]For more information on the Trim-Two.[/URL]

About Radial Engineering Ltd.
Radial Engineering Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of fine products used by audio professionals
and musicians around the world.