[ATTACH=CONFIG]194636.vB5-legacyid=1662[/ATTACH]Putnam, CT – July 7th, 2011 – Rational Acoustics LLC is pleased to announce that they have been approved by InfoComm International as a Certified Technology Specialist (CTS®) Program Provider.

The company’s flagship 2-day training class “Smaart Fundamentals and Applications” is now CTS accredited, earning attendees 6.5 renewal units (RU’s) in either the CTS general or CTS-I (installation) programs upon completion of the class.

CTS certifications are awarded for a period of three years. Individuals wishing to maintain their CTS, CTS-D and/or CTS-I designations must meet the renewal requirements of the InfoComm Certification Committee, which includes the completion of thirty (30) approved renewal units (RUs) within the three year certification period.

The official accreditation date of the Smaart Fundamentals and Applications class was May 26th, 2011 and InfoComm allows a 30-day retroactive credit, so anyone who has taken the class after April 26th, 2011 can receive their renewal units.

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[ATTACH=CONFIG]194635.vB5-legacyid=1661[/ATTACH]The Smaart Fundamentals and Applications class covers the basic principles and practices of setting up a Smaart measurement rig and using it to make RTA, Spectrograph, Frequency Response (Transfer Function) and Impulse Response measurements. This course begins with an overview of both the general system measurement theory involved as well as the operational context in which Smaart is used, namely in sound system engineering and alignment. Emphasis is placed on providing the attendee with a functional knowledge of how Smaart operates as a tool before expanding to the application of that tool in sound system engineering and examining data interpretation as much as acquisition. Special attention is paid throughout the course to the subject of how to make valid and useful measurements, as opposed to simply making cool squiggly lines appear on the screen.

Over the past 3 years, the Rational Acoustics educational program has grown into a truly worldwide endeavor. A network of 10 Authorized Smaart Instructors conduct over 50 Smaart Training classes and train over 700 audio professionals each year throughout the globe. Classes are taught everywhere from the US to Mexico to Norway to Australia and are conducted in English, Spanish, German, Italian and French (so far).

The next scheduled Smaart Fundamentals and Applications classes are in Berlin, Germany (July 12-13) Quito, Ecuador (July 12-13), St. Louis, MO (July 12-13) and Singapore (July 18-19). A full list of currently schedule classes along with class registration information can be found at [url]http://www.rationalacoustics.com/pages/Training_Schedule[/url]

A full list of CTS Program Renewal Unit Providers and courses is available at [url]http://www.infocomm.org/cps/rde/xbcr/infocomm/CERT_RU_Sources.pdf[/url]

[B]About Rational Acoustics LLC[/B]
Rational Acoustics is dedicated to making the world a better place to listen. We support the advancement of the field of acoustic test and measurement and system alignment through education, product development and community support. For more information, please visit [url]www.rationalacoustics.com[/url] or become a fan of Rational Acoustics on Facebook at [url]http://facebook.com/rationalacoustics[/url]