
Salzburg State Theatre reinforced by Alcons in 4 divisions

[ATTACH=CONFIG]198415.vB5-legacyid=8176[/ATTACH]Since the start of the 2013 season, the State Theatre in Salzburg, Austria, operates with a sound system from Dutch manufacturer Alcons Audio . The new acquisition was made because the existing sound system was not able meet the increased demands on the in-house sound system.
As a so-called “Viersparten” (4 artistic divisions) theatre, the State Theatre makes particularly high demands on sound reinforcement, as it offers its audience musical theater (opera, operetta, musicals), ballet, drama as well as children’s theater. This wide range of productions had to be sonically supported to the highest standard.

” A sound system in this house must be in a position to reinforce a rock band, classical music, vocals and subtle music cues for theater plays with finest resolution”, says Timo Hintz (head of sound) . In addition, the new sound system was expected to have discrete optics, not affecting the atmosphere of this traditional venue.

The team of Protones Veranstaltungstechnik (event technology) around Florian Buhr was commissioned with the installation and calibration of the Alcons system, resulting in excellent sound quality, even at high SPL’s, in all areas, much to the satisfaction of the State Theatre. Systems from the Alcons L and V Series are applied; With two line arrays, each consisting of 6x LR7 as well as two VR8 as front fills, the theater is now superbly equipped for all kinds of stage productions.

Now, for the first time, the entire room including the balcony is seamlessly covered, with a flat sound pressure level and a consistent tonal balance.
Furthermore, the very compact size of the Alcons system was also decisive for the choice of the Salzburg State Theater; Too large a system would have partially blocked the installed lighting.
In addition, the allowed Working Load Limits had to be taken into account, for which again the Alcons system offered the best solution.

“I can only say, based on the experience to date this season, that all expectations have been fully met. I am very pleased and very impressed by the sound, which is also the general opinion in the house. It’s also even noticed by every layman how good the sound is now”, said Hintz .

The Salzburg State Theater was founded in 1775 as archbishop court theatre of Archbishop Hieronymus of Colloredo. After several name changes, the house may call itself “State Theatre” since 1940. The current venue in Neo-Baroque architecture exists since 1893 and is also used by the Salzburger Festspielen (Festival).

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Alcons background information:
Alcons Audio is a Dutch company, active in development and manufacturing of professional sound systems for quality-conscious clients in the cinema, installation and touring industry.

Alcons sound systems excel in HiFi sound quality at concert sound pressure levels; Basis for this quality is Alcons’ proprietary high-power pro-ribbon technology.

Recent Alcons cinema ambassadors include: LucasFilm Singapore, Lotte Cinemas South Korea, Cinemaxx cinemas Germany, Eye Filminstitute The Netherlands, OsloKino Norway, NBC Universal Pictures London UK, Fraunhofer Institute Germany, QFX cinemas Nepal, iHome theatres India, Norwegian Film Institute; As well as eTown concert hall Boulder Colorado USA, Jazz at the Lincoln Center Doha Qatar, Red Bull’s Hangar-7 Austria, Volkswagen Gläserne Manufaktur Germany, Railway Theatre Moscow and members of The Ribbon Network, Alcons’ global rental network.