BUENA PARK, Calif.(February 11, 2019)—Yamaha Corporation Japan has announced the availability of V3 firmware for the Yamaha RIVAGE PM Series Digital Audio Systems. The upgrade will provide engineers with a more flexible operation, faster set up and control.

In addition to a new noise-reduction plug-in, update version 3.0 offers improved routing choices as well as generally enhanced flexibility. Expanding the already comprehensive plug-in lineup provided with RIVAGE PM Series Digital Mixing systems, a new dynamic noise suppressor developed by the renowned Dr. K and his K’s Lab team at Yamaha Japan is included in V3.0. The “DaNSe” plug-in analyzes noise frequency characteristics and employs a LEARN function to automatically achieve the most effective noise suppression without the need for any complex setup or programming by the user. DaNSe is ideal for use with speech and lavalier microphones, effectively suppressing air conditioning noise and noise produced by cooling fans in on-stage moving lights, for example. Effective noise suppression can be a significant advantage for plays and musicals, significantly enhancing audio clarity.

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The ability to route MIX bus and MATRIX signals back to the input channels improves routing flexibility, making parallel compression and multi-layer mixes using stem mixes possible for more detailed mixing and sound shaping capability. Cascade connection via SUB IN is also now possible, making higher input capacities available for large-scale applications. Other refinements make it easier to manage the many parameters available in the RIVAGE PM series. Not only is finer granularity provided for channel copy but multiple data sets can now be maintained. Plug-in settings can now be included in input and output channel copy and paste operations, and eight banks are available for storing frequently used global paste setups.

To promote safe, error-free system operation, an alert is displayed if the user attempts to load data that differs from the current system configuration, and the differences can be reviewed before the data is actually loaded to pre-empt potentially serious problems before they occur.

To increase the system’s utility for monitor console use, it is now possible to assign the ON keys to either conventional SEND ON/OFF switching or input channel ON/OFF switching in the SENDS ON FADER mode. This makes it possible to instantly mute the relevant input channels during instrument changes or when a problem occurs by simply turning them OFF, and to turn wedge and In-ear monitor sends OFF as required by the situation. For theatrical productions and musicals, DCA assignments can be quickly made for each scene by creating DCA presets with the appropriate channel assignment, DCA name, and color icon settings. Preliminary DCA settings can be quickly and flexibly changed during rehearsals as the need arises. A new CH ON FOLLOWS DCA ASSIGN function automatically turns channels ON or OFF according to DCA assignments, further enhancing control convenience.

For more information on RIVAGE PM V3, visit www.yamahaproaudio.com.