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It's intermittent for me. 85% of the time things are fine, then I'll wait and wait and wait... I'm on a 100Mb internet connection - I'm pretty sure it's not my link.

Sometimes for me the pages seem to hang when loading, and I notice the last last thing to pop open is the facebook button. Try getting rid of that and see if it makes a difference.

Sometimes for me the pages seem to hang when loading, and I notice the last last thing to pop open is the facebook button. Try getting rid of that and see if it makes a difference.

The Facebook thing loads from an external server, so that's probably why it's last, and it's probably not causing an issue.

<li id="fb_headerbox">
<a id="fb_link" href="">
<img id="fb_squarepic" width="16" height="16" src="" alt="The Facebook Platform" title="The Facebook Platform">
<img id="fb_icon" width="14" height="14" src="images/misc/facebook.gif" alt="The Facebook Platform" title="The Facebook Platform">

IMHO, Dreamhost has an issue. Their Virtual Private Server option is only $15 more a month, while on other hosts it is about a $100 option. So either Dreamhost is just that amazing, or they are taking the cheap way out somewhere and taxing their servers far too much. A VPS still runs on a shared server, but it's supposed to have dedicated resources. David, do you have any idea what resources your VPS is supposedly getting?

I block myface, spacebook and all the 'social engineer' shit at my software firewall, and strongly considering blocking it on the hardware side for the entire network.

We give it 500MB of RAM, however that's supposed to turn into resource allocation machine wide is beyond me. Our SQL server isn't running on a VPS right now, but doesn't seem to be the problem.

Eww, 500MB? I just made my long overdue donation, up that bad boy to at least 1GB! I don't make any of my virtual machines (servers) less than 1GB.

"Resource allocation" is most likely referring to a "paging" technique. When the OS runs out of RAM it will use the hard drive to store data that does not fit in the RAM. Its a little more complicated with Virtual machines but you should get the point.

If you have a way to monitor "page swapping" during the peak usage of the forum this could help figuring out where the slowdown is coming from.

Although upgrading to 1GB of RAM doesn't hurt :]~:-]~:brgin:

Unfortunately our current level of donations will not support a larger RAM allocation or a dedicated server (which would obviously be the best solution). I have no idea what kind of hardware we're on or how many other VPS are hosted there, but for what we're paying I doubt either is very good. Maybe if we start offering advertising we can make it happen, we'd only need about $120 a month in guaranteed income.

Unfortunately our current level of donations will not support a larger RAM allocation or a dedicated server (which would obviously be the best solution). I have no idea what kind of hardware we're on or how many other VPS are hosted there, but for what we're paying I doubt either is very good. Maybe if we start offering advertising we can make it happen, we'd only need about $120 a month in guaranteed income.

Phil and I have been on the deep dive into server optimization lately. I would be happy to help setup a real VPS for you that can be upgraded as necessary. The host that Phil and I have been using is usually rock solid and still affordably priced,

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