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  1. Lisa Lane-Collins

    configuring 'frankenstack'

    i have a couple of peavey fh1s lying around, kind of useless cos they dont go low enough to be subs. getting my head around their true identity as low mid boxes, i thought it might be kind of cool to frankenstein them into my two way system (subs and tops). problem is, i don't know how to make...
  2. Lisa Lane-Collins

    Has anyone worked with MaxAV

    18" High Performance Active Powered Subwoofer Sub System 600WRMS 18 Inch MaxAV | eBay Eyeing off these subs cos they are So Damn Cheap and apparently unbadged JBLs. Still at this price there has to be a catch, has anyone come across them? I heard one of the AV companies in Adelaide bought a...
  3. Lisa Lane-Collins

    How do I make this most awesome?

    So by luck I've landed myself a permanent hire gig and I need to do some installation-esque stuff in the beer garden so they can have music out there. Before I go and throw a bunch of speakers up, I thought it'd be worth querying the forum for advice, mainly to do with dispersion (not my area...
  4. Lisa Lane-Collins

    Getting my employer to take me seriously...

    This forum has been pretty wickedly helpful to me so far and I do profusely apologise if this does not fall within the scope of discussable topics. Hoping it does though as you are all sound techs and I would imagine some of you have been in the position of hirer/firer. 5 years I have been...
  5. Lisa Lane-Collins

    out of my depth

    working with passive speakers for the first time. paired 4 peavey f1 subs with a lab gruppen fp3400, two a side, linked together using the input/throughputs on the back of the subs. am using a dbx drive rack to cross over, and powered jblprx615s on top (the four peaveys blow them out of the...
  6. Lisa Lane-Collins

    Dumb (but important) question about dress sense

    So, quietly hoping this is an ok question to ask on this forum, I've been getting some work in a relatively prestigious venue - holds about 500, gets everything from lucky local bands and rising stars to fading stars (no doubt somewhat to do with the size of the city I live in and low...
  7. Lisa Lane-Collins

    How do I determine how much to charge for permanent venue hire?

    I've determined how much to charge for once off hire based on competitors rates but am at a loss as to how much to charge venues who hire stuff on a semi permanent basis (ie it lives there). About to submit a quote for a place, in competition with an established hire company, want the gig, don't...
  8. Lisa Lane-Collins

    4 quieter foldbacks versus 2 louder ones

    I'm using 4 Mackie Thumps as fold back in a venue at the moment, haven't had any complaints so I shall assume they provide more that adequate foldback. I want them for other applications though so I'm looking to replace. At this point in time it seems I could go one of two ways. I could buy two...
  9. Lisa Lane-Collins

    What sub should I get?

    Brain picking time :-D At the moment I'm running 2 Mackie Thump TH15A powered speakers as my front of house (being used for small rock gigs and outdoor things that don't need to be too loud). I'd like to compliment them with a sub and am posting here (instead of just buying a HD1801 and being...