Search results for query: *

  1. K

    Rack case for an 03d?

    I've just picked up a lightly used 03d and need to get a case for it. It's old, can't find any info on what case would fit. All I know is which rack kit to get. More importantly, is there a normal case that an MI store (banjocenter, etc...) would carry - I do have a show coming up and would...
  2. K

    Lighting up a sign (project)

    Greetings all, Few know, but my family owns a small donut shop locally. We lease the building, and proper signage is not included. We bought a roadside mobile sign and it does seem to help. The only issue is to make it light up, it needs power. There's no outlet by the road, so they run 150ft...
  3. K

    Another one of those...

    How to get the foot in the door threads. On my first post here, even. I'd like to think anyone involved in these forums first and foremost. I've learned a (metric) ton lurking here and elsewhere. Now for something I cannot find an answer to. I'm just going on 24, and I'm not liking my...