131st AES Convention Dinner

Philip LaDue

Jan 10, 2011
Lakewood, NJ
We've had some great dinners in the past with an attendance that reads like a list of who's who in the audio world.
So why not do it again?

At a week out something should probably get started.

Any suggestions as to dining/drinking establishments within a reasonable proximity of the Javits Center or served by easily accessible public transportation are extremely welcome.
Re: 131st AES Convention Dinner

I won't be there but raise a glass for me....

Probably better eats/drinks back towards the theater district, but there should be plenty NYC regulars who can give specific advice. My recollection was pretty thin pickings over by Javitts,

Re: 131st AES Convention Dinner

I'll be there!

If no one had any complaints from 2009, the restaurant was Maria Pia on 51st and 8th, I would have no problem returning.
Re: 131st AES Convention Dinner

Tom Young sent out an email to as many of the irregulars who came out to Maria Pia last year as he could manage, we're doing that Fri night.

Also, if any of you are in town Wed, or any other Wed for that matter, come on over to the 51st St House of Brews at 10:30p for the weekly gathering of the Drinking Club w/a Theatre Problem. If you can't find us, try my cell at 908-227-9721.

I hope to have a sample from the test production run of the Beagle, the USB DI that was previously discussed here and at PSW, and at least one or two of my MIDI toys, including the new USB version!

Re: 131st AES Convention Dinner

That's what I get for multi tasking, completely missed the details.
Unfortunately I have to be out of the city by around 4:30 on Friday.
Re: 131st AES Convention Dinner

I won't be there until Sunday. Hopefully most of the exhibitors will still be there.

I'd be up for grabbing a bite before hopping on the bus home.

Hit me up on my cell 570 877 0160