$1500... what LED lights to buy?

Re: $1500... what LED lights to buy?

Also, keep in mind that lighting is lumens, not watts just like audio is spl and not watts.
The spec in lumens is what will tell you which is brighter. The watts won't.
And lumens won't tell you "how it looks"... or how horribly it will likely look in the hands of idiots at the lighting board. Don't get me started on LED lighting... IMO: It's the next most awful thing to come down the pike since polyester clothing of the '70's... all in the consumer pandering spirit of being: "Cheaper (sort-of), easier (sort-of), and "better" (somehow... if you look past the really awful qualities)... but generally totally fails next to the real thing done right. (Flame suit on.)
Re: $1500... what LED lights to buy?

And lumens won't tell you "how it looks"... or how horribly it will likely look in the hands of idiots at the lighting board. Don't get me started on LED lighting... IMO: It's the next most awful thing to come down the pike since polyester clothing of the '70's... all in the consumer pandering spirit of being: "Cheaper (sort-of), easier (sort-of), and "better" (somehow... if you look past the really awful qualities)... but generally totally fails next to the real thing done right. (Flame suit on.)

Much like transistors vs. tubes and switching amps vs. heavy iron?
Re: $1500... what LED lights to buy?

Much like transistors vs. tubes and switching amps vs. heavyiron?
could be... and I'm just stuck in a rut of using what works seemingly really well. I've spent a few dollars (in the neighborhood of $5K)"switching over to LED stage lighting"... but I haven't made the switch (or subjected my customers to the switch yet) because: I'm summarily unimpressed so-far... so I generally still run incandescent lighting. Similarly (IMO) I still wear mostly cotton fabric clothing. Because (concerning lighting): I'm a fan of scene changes and well defined highlights... and I have a disdain for the "dagger of the mind" effect of most LED stage lighting that I've experienced. I could go on and on... but I don't know... I can only tolerate so much salt in my pizza too... and pizza seems to keep selling regardless of what my personal tastes seem to be... so I suspect that I just really don't know...
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Re: $1500... what LED lights to buy?

could be... and I'm just stuck in a rut of using what works seemingly really well. I've spent a few dollars (in the neighborhood of $5K)"switching over to LED stage lighting"... but I haven't made the switch (or subjected my customers to the switch yet) because: I'm summarily unimpressed so-far... so I generally still run incandescent lighting. Similarly (IMO) I still wear mostly cotton fabric clothing. Because (concerning lighting): I'm a fan of scene changes and well defined highlights... and I have a disdain for the "dagger of the mind" effect of most LED stage lighting that I've experienced. I could go on and on... but I don't know... I can only tolerate so much salt in my pizza too... and pizza seems to keep selling regardless of what my personal tastes seem to be... so I suspect that I just really don't know...

Coming from the world of High School production, I wish to say that, in the end, LED vs. conventionals comes down to what works best in the end. Any other opinion is just that- an opinion from someone who didn't work on the project. Just because there were other options doesn't mean the one we took was wrong. If I didn't have to worry about dimmer infrastructure and associated cabling, I would use conventionals all day, even though I kinda do prefer a higher color temperature.
Re: $1500... what LED lights to buy?

could be... and I'm just stuck in a rut of using what works seemingly really well. I've spent a few dollars (in the neighborhood of $5K)"switching over to LED stage lighting"... but I haven't made the switch (or subjected my customers to the switch yet) because: I'm summarily unimpressed so-far... so I generally still run incandescent lighting. Similarly (IMO) I still wear mostly cotton fabric clothing. Because (concerning lighting): I'm a fan of scene changes and well defined highlights... and I have a disdain for the "dagger of the mind" effect of most LED stage lighting that I've experienced. I could go on and on... but I don't know... I can only tolerate so much salt in my pizza too... and pizza seems to keep selling regardless of what my personal tastes seem to be... so I suspect that I just really don't know...

Cheap LEDs are really only good at saturated colors. For that purpose, they're impossible to beat. Anyone putting a congo blue gel on a 1K par can needs to enter the 21st century. That being said, it takes an expensive LED source to do a good tungsten white or tint colors. I typically run LEDs for backdrop painting, and tungsten for lighting up people. That is, until Rob's company or someone else can make a 15,000 lumen@3000K hi CRI LED source for $500 or less.

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