AKG D112... Why???

I use it quite often on the low end of a Leslie. I also like it, as others mentioned, on hard rock or metal guitars. As for kick, only if its the only mic left. I'd grab a re20 or d6 as my go to mics for that.

Someone else mentioned tom mics, I recently discovered that the ksm 109s that I recently picked up for $30each, sound killer for modern rock. A cut around 400 to clear the mud, plus compression and gate to taste and I'm done.

Sent from my neural implant
Re: AKG D112... Why???

D112 usually sounds like a basketball hitting the driveway pavement on a kick drum, I like the Audix D6 better. I do use D112 for bass guitar mic when not DI'ing and it sounds really good most of the time. Tried it on a floor tom a few weeks ago when I was out of other mic's - OK, but I'd rather have had a Audix D4 or something similar.
Re: AKG D112... Why???

I could never find a good use for a D112, until I stuck it on a bass cabinet. The mid-range character that I've hated it for on kick drum sounds awesome on bass guitar, it's a good way to make a rock bass sit well in a mix.


I like the D112 for bass instruments other than drums.
Re: AKG D112... Why???

I think you need an old Peavy mixer from the late 70's to make that mic sound good.

Sorry JR

Well, I had one from the early eighties, plus, I've used a D112 on Bodhran for twenty years, even blew one up. AKG replaced it gratis.

I tend to use my SM91 on kick.

I have an EV n/d868 that sounds much more natural than the D112 too.

I've used the D112 on upright Bass, both bowed and plucked, with good results.

Best regards,

Re: AKG D112... Why???

So lately I've come a cross a lot of drummers with the AKG D112 mounted internally in their bass drum. Why? What's your fascination with this sound? To me, it sounds like the beater is smacking a sheet of plywood.

Lately I've been going to the Sennheiser e901 dropped inside the bass drum; if not I place the Audix D6 just inside the front hole pointed at the beater contact point.

Just my thoughts sitting at this gig after a long day of work.

because A: that what they had and B: the physical design makes it easy to use clamp type hardware.
Re: AKG D112... Why???

Has anyone around here done an A/B comparison of old D12 vs new D12 in their usual habitat (ie stuffed up a kick drum) ?.

Do you mean between a "vintage" D12 and the recently released D12 vr OR between the original rectangular D12 and the "egg shaped" D112

One big, and important (for AKG at least) difference between the latter two is that the older one was hand assembled by well paid Austrian women and the newer one could be largely put together by machines.
Re: AKG D112... Why???

Has anyone around here done an A/B comparison of old D12 (vintage) vs new D12 (current production) in their usual habitat (ie stuffed up a kick drum) ?.
There is an article that compares the old d12, d112 and the new d12vr.


According to it the d12vr doesn't sound like any of them. Since I've never used the d12 I can't say anything about it but it doesn't sound like an d112 either.
Re: AKG D112... Why???

Looks to me like the majority of us are on the same page. I strongly perfer the D6 as well. It's smaller profile is a lot easier to place and fit into different size holes in the head. It also tends to be more forgiving whereas I've found the D112 and 52 need more attention.

I also try to direct it towards the beater, about halfway into the drum. For the first time I had a drummer show up without a front head, which acoustically didn't have much punch or volume but through the PA sounded great.