Alternate choice to Behringer Shark

brian maddox

Jan 13, 2011
frederick, md
i had a friend ask me the other day to recommend a unit similar to the Behringer Shark that he could use as a catchall audio multitool for travel gigs.i know there are other choices out there, especially in the install world, but i didn't have any specific models to suggest to him. he does a lot of fly date video shoots and small audio gigs and wants to have something as a 'just in case' tool.

so, any ideas for a small [no larger than half rack space] hardware DSP that is fairly cheap? computer controlled [he uses Macs exclusively] is fine so long as it will function standalone after setup.
Re: Alternate choice to Behringer Shark

I have a pair of QSC DSP-2's that I use for stuff like this. They are small 2 in/2 out DSP's that are computer controlled. The thing I like is that they have XLR ins and outs instead of phoenix plugs.

I have also thought about using an IEM processor for this. Rane made a really nice one that does a lot. They don't typically have a lot of delay available though.