Re: Impedance testing question
it is very long time since I was doing analog circuit design so I blame age if I say something wrong
Maybe not obvious in my post but I assume your 50ohm resistor inline with the speaker and the bridge over the resistor. This will drive the 8ohm speaker with rougly 1.5Watt, somewhat loud but still within reason. Voltage should be able to be decreased down to 5v without any issues.Have you actually done that?
Driving the speaker with 20V may get louder than is comfortable, and require a power amp, not just a signal generator.
I actually built this impedance feature into a piece of value test equipment I designed and sold back in the '80s.. I used a modest stimulus voltage (0dBu) and only a 1/4W sense resistor. I did have a precision voltmeter (actually a dB meter). It was test equipment after all...
it is very long time since I was doing analog circuit design so I blame age if I say something wrong