Anybody in New England rent out compact line array boxes?

I'm looking for a company that's local (around NE, I'm in Worcester,MA) that rents out SLS Audio LS6500's, Meyer Mina's, d&b T10's, L'Acoustic Kara/Kiva/Kilo's, or JBL VT4886's. The only thing I can find in my area are too big for what I need them for. I'm aiming for the LS6500's, but called a whole lot of companies but am still unable to find anywhere within almost a 250 mile radius from me that rents them out. Along with that, the most compact boxes I can find are dV-Doscs or M'elodies. A little too much for what I'm looking for. Thanks!
Re: Anybody in New England rent out compact line array boxes?

Thanks for the suggestion Jason, and thanks for the input John. I know I said that I searched within a 250 mile radius, but that was mainly just to see if any actual company remotely near me had LS6500's. I guess I'm out of luck then. I'll keep SAVI in mind, but anybody else got any more suggestions that are more local, maybe 75 or up to 80 miles from Worcester? I'll also give Wavelength a call and so some research on the Wideline's.
Re: Anybody in New England rent out compact line array boxes?

I'm looking for a company that's local (around NE, I'm in Worcester,MA) that rents out SLS Audio LS6500's, Meyer Mina's, d&b T10's, L'Acoustic Kara/Kiva/Kilo's, or JBL VT4886's. The only thing I can find in my area are too big for what I need them for. I'm aiming for the LS6500's, but called a whole lot of companies but am still unable to find anywhere within almost a 250 mile radius from me that rents them out. Along with that, the most compact boxes I can find are dV-Doscs or M'elodies. A little too much for what I'm looking for. Thanks!

Have you tried Rainbow, out of NH?
ATR Treehouse in Prov has the Wideline from QSC, and I believe Scorpio has a 4886 Rig but I could be wrong. Dark Roast Audio in Warwick has a Compact line array of some sort, but don't know how many/ what kind. New England Showtime Productions in Somerset has an Adams compact I believe, or it belongs to JD Productions in Johnston. Hope you find something.
Re: Anybody in New England rent out compact line array boxes?

ATR Treehouse in Prov has the Wideline from QSC, and I believe Scorpio has a 4886 Rig but I could be wrong. Dark Roast Audio in Warwick has a Compact line array of some sort, but don't know how many/ what kind. New England Showtime Productions in Somerset has an Adams compact I believe, or it belongs to JD Productions in Johnston. Hope you find something.

Thanks for the input. I know Scorpio doesn't have the VT 4886's, but they have the 4887's. I'll hit up Dark Roast and Showtime on Monday also, probably along with JD. Thanks for all the suggestions. Also, thanks to all the other suggestions again, it's a great help guys. If anybody else has any more suggestions feel free, but thanks again for all the input!
Re: Anybody in New England rent out compact line array boxes?

Thanks for the input. I know Scorpio doesn't have the VT 4886's, but they have the 4887's. I'll hit up Dark Roast and Showtime on Monday also, probably along with JD. Thanks for all the suggestions. Also, thanks to all the other suggestions again, it's a great help guys. If anybody else has any more suggestions feel free, but thanks again for all the input!

Dark Roast has a midsize TVI array (brand new when i saw it). I don't know if they've added to their inventory since then.

How long a line are you looking for? For short lines in the compact box class, there's plenty of VRX and trap rigs available that may perform every bit as well.
Re: Anybody in New England rent out compact line array boxes?

Sent an e-mail over to Klondike. Just waiting for their reply once they're open. I usually use VRX's already, but wouldn't mind using something that offers better sound quality. Looking for about 5-6 boxes, but it really just depends on which I'd be using. I'm possibly thinking of using the Widelines, since their coverage is really wide which is a plus for the room that I'd be using them in.
Re: Anybody in New England rent out compact line array boxes?

Sent an e-mail over to Klondike. Just waiting for their reply once they're open. I usually use VRX's already, but wouldn't mind using something that offers better sound quality. Looking for about 5-6 boxes, but it really just depends on which I'd be using. I'm possibly thinking of using the Widelines, since their coverage is really wide which is a plus for the room that I'd be using them in.

Trying to avoid starting a discussion in the marketplace, a Line array does NOT equal better sound quality. In fact, Ben, now that I've seen the rooms you work with, it will probably be worse unless you have the ablity to fly the rig. Line arrays are not designed for groundstacking, nor for use with only a box or two.

If you want better sound quality than the VRX you are using now, I recommend a high-quality trap box, as I've mentioned in our discussions.
Re: Anybody in New England rent out compact line array boxes?

I wouldn't say Line Arrays are not designed for ground stacking, most come with rigging to ground stack off a sub woofer. I also wouldnt say they dont work as well that way, it depends on the application. I would say however that you need at least 4 boxes per side for it to work as planned, otherwise you should be using trap boxes.
Re: Anybody in New England rent out compact line array boxes?

I wouldn't say Line Arrays are not designed for ground stacking, most come with rigging to ground stack off a sub woofer. I also wouldnt say they dont work as well that way, it depends on the application. I would say however that you need at least 4 boxes per side for it to work as planned, otherwise you should be using trap boxes.

Graham, the concept of a line array requires a certain line length to be worth bothering with. Short of that length, a trap box with good pattern control would work better (Danley!). Sure, manufacturers will build anything the customers want to sell product...doesn't mean it's right.
Re: Anybody in New England rent out compact line array boxes?


In your desire to not start a discussion in the marketplace, you have.

A line array offers the advantage of customized vertical HF dispersion, even with a short line. That alone may make it worth considering in order to get over air loss, and also to keep energy off boundaries.

Groundstacking a line array sucks, but not necessarily any more than a narrow vertical dispersion trap box. Wrong application, regardless.
Re: Anybody in New England rent out compact line array boxes?

I appreciate all the responses so far, and feedback. I think I should be set for now, as you guys were great enough to give me a lot more companies that I didn't know existed, as well as the sound advice. If anybody needs to send me a PM or give me any extra info, don't hesitate. Thanks again.
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