Computer based DMX Systems with Sound input

So after this last weekend, I am looking for a new DMX Computer based program.

On the last show, the bands Lighting Guy asked for a Aux with just the kick drum going out and he plugged it into his Lighting Console (Behringer one); and all he had to do was change the patterns/scenes and the drummer’s kick controlled the speed/tempo of changes.

Anything out there where I can take a music/sound/instrument signal (say kick or snare drum) and let the light change to the beat of the music?
Re: Computer based DMX Systems with Sound input

I don't mind buying a new interface thingy, but I also don't want to spend more than $1000 bucks.

You can contact Esteban at PRG Distribution and he will get a quote for you on the Chamsys product but I suspect it is within your budget. You would also need something like an Enttec USB DMX Pro or Chamsys MagicDMX Full to get the DMX out of the software and those cost $150 and $100 respectively.