computer calculator for fast metric to imperial conversion

drew gandy

Jul 17, 2011
I'm looking for a computer based scientific calculator that is fast and convenient for converting numbers back and forth between metric and imperial. What I imagine is a program with 2 additional windows (one for imperial and one for metric) where I can specify which types of units I want to see and it will convert what is in my calculator display to the opposite units in real time. Let's say for instance I was calculating some dimensions in inches, I would know that I put inches in. The metric window would be displaying the equivalent centimeters, sq centimeters, cubed centimeters etc. Conversely, if I was calculating in metric then the imperial window would be displaying the conversion in imperial units. It would be my responsibility to know what units I put in and therefore understand what units were being displayed. It would be so much faster than the method in the Mac calculator where you have to mouse up to the menu and select the conversion you want. Anyone use anything like this?
Re: computer calculator for fast metric to imperial conversion

I know google has a couple calculators that you could use for this. Guess you would need internet connection though. Just thought I would mention it.
Re: computer calculator for fast metric to imperial conversion

I want the conversion to happen in my calculator so I don't have to copy numbers back and forth. A separate widget means that after I do my subtraction and square root, I have to copy the result to the widget then copy the converted number back to the calculator etc. Does this make sense?

I'm waiting for someone to tell me this is a matter of getting my meat computer up to speed. I agree it would be nice but I still think mostly in inches and feet.
Re: computer calculator for fast metric to imperial conversion

For the Google one, simply type your conversion in the search field. Or, if you're using Chrome, just type it in the address field. For example:

"Convert 12.3 in to cm"

Not really what you're looking for, though. If I'm understanding you correctly, you basically want a button that, when you push it, will convert the number, then you can continue your calculation, then, with the push of another button, convert it back. Am I correct?

I had a calculator that could do that...TI something. While I don't remember the model...I do remember having to fork out a whole lot of cash to get it, and only being able to get it through the school, since TI didn't sell them any other way.
Re: computer calculator for fast metric to imperial conversion

Yes, a set of buttons with preset conversions could work although what I was envisioning was just a set of fields in the gui that are constantly showing conversions that may or may not be correct. Whether they are correct depends on what units I was actually calculating. And the fields could be customized so you only have fields for the types of values you actually want. Another idea for this is that if I wanted to put a conversion (lets say from cu inches to cu cm) into the actual calculator it could be as simple as double clicking the field with the appropriate converted value and it would copy whatever number was in that field into the actual calculator field. But this is just pie in the sky dreaming. I'm sure someone else has thought about this already although it's something that only Americans would probably ever need. And with the way American math scores are going….
Re: computer calculator for fast metric to imperial conversion

I use Google Calculator all the time for doing more complex conversions. Have a look at that link for suggestions on how you can use it. It certainly makes it very easy to convert from almost anything to almost anything.

Also, I'll frequently use Windows Calculator in scientific mode to convert back and forth between Hexadecimal and Decimal.
Re: computer calculator for fast metric to imperial conversion

I need to clarify some terms here. When I say calculator I mean scientific calculator that does math functions like +-*/÷√C and on and on. When I say convertor I mean converting units from one system to another. And, I think I want both things in one app...on the computer...doing my bidding...quickly. I am curious about doing more with spreadsheets. I think I can imagine creating several tables with conversions I commonly use.

Yes, 1 inch equals 25.4mm and that's easy to remember but I'm talking about units of area and volume as well. It's just a lot of button presses.
Re: computer calculator for fast metric to imperial conversion

If you are using a Mac the Calculator program has the conversions built in. I just tried with adding then multiplying then converting from inches to meters and it worked well. You can even have a "paper tape" window open to show your equations and answers.
Re: computer calculator for fast metric to imperial conversion

I need to clarify some terms here. When I say calculator I mean scientific calculator that does math functions like +-*/÷√C and on and on. When I say convertor I mean converting units from one system to another. And, I think I want both things in one app...on the computer...doing my bidding...quickly. I am curious about doing more with spreadsheets. I think I can imagine creating several tables with conversions I commonly use.

Yes, 1 inch equals 25.4mm and that's easy to remember but I'm talking about units of area and volume as well. It's just a lot of button presses.

Drew, it is really not a lot more work to do it manually. The key is just to remember that for area you square the conversion and for volume you cube the conversion.

I think there is a lot to be said for working it out manually. A story i tell my students is when I worked in research we were doing trace level measurements often down to picograms/liter. It was necessary to convert the output of our instrumental analysis (which had a number of steps) to a final amount. The three of us in the lab would often debate what level we were actually measuring at. The person to win the debate was usually the first person to stop estimating and actually write out the conversion.

A second story comes from teaching the topic. i have had a number of students through the years write programs/spreadsheets/apps/calculator functions or whatever the current tech was. It became clear that anyone who understood conversions enough to write the program, didn't need the program, and those who didn't understand conversions couldn't get any better answers when given a program to do it.

I hate to say it, but I have found single mistakes in conversions when peer reviewing scientific papers that totally changed the results and the conclusions based on those results.
Re: computer calculator for fast metric to imperial conversion

I need to clarify some terms here. When I say calculator I mean scientific calculator that does math functions like +-*/÷√C and on and on. When I say convertor I mean converting units from one system to another. And, I think I want both things in one app...on the computer...doing my bidding...quickly. I am curious about doing more with spreadsheets. I think I can imagine creating several tables with conversions I commonly use.

Yes, 1 inch equals 25.4mm and that's easy to remember but I'm talking about units of area and volume as well. It's just a lot of button presses.

Two awesome things about using a spreadsheet instead of a calculator:

1: if you're applying the same calculation to a whole bunch of values you really only have to do it once and fill the rest in.
2: if you lay out your constants and formulae well (with good notes) it is really easy to say "I wonder how it would work out if this value was a bit smaller.." 2 seconds and you have results. (potentially a LOT of results if you did #1 properly)

Re: computer calculator for fast metric to imperial conversion

There's an iPhone app for that. It's called convertbot.

All sorts of conversions. Temp, weight, volume & more