Does any digital mixer have this feature?

Re: Does any digital mixer have this feature?

Because in theatre, the mixer has to have the show memorized just like the actors. Reading the script while mixing the first several shows is the only way to do that.


In Broadway type shows, the Stage Manager or Show TD calls the cues. During the Show's Production rehearsals is generally when the Board is programmed for the audio cue calls.

As the shows became bigger, the consoles became bigger, and programmable....or vicie/versey.

Re: Does any digital mixer have this feature?


In Broadway type shows, the Stage Manager or Show TD calls the cues. During the Show's Production rehearsals is generally when the Board is programmed for the audio cue calls.

As the shows became bigger, the consoles became bigger, and programmable....or vicie/versey.


Not in my experience. The FOH mixer of a theater show does not wear a headset, and does not take cues from a stage manager other than SFX cues via cuelight. All microphone mixing is done either from the script, or from memory of where entrances and exits are, and who is speaking when. With line by line mixing there is no way a SM could call those cues.

Re: Does any digital mixer have this feature?

Because in theatre, the mixer has to have the show memorized just like the actors. Reading the script while mixing the first several shows is the only way to do that.

Methinks my sarcasm was a touch too subtle...

I wouldn't dream of mixing theater without following the script (or cues called by the SM and my own cue sheets) for anything that had a script and rehearsals. Note that "script" in this context could be used in a looser sense to include sheet music and set lists.
Re: Does any digital mixer have this feature?

Not in my experience. The FOH mixer of a theater show does not wear a headset, and does not take cues from a stage manager other than SFX cues via cuelight. All microphone mixing is done either from the script, or from memory of where entrances and exits are, and who is speaking when. With line by line mixing there is no way a SM could call those cues.


It doesn't take long to figure out how good the SM is with the cue light, either. By the end of the first day of tech I always know if the light it going to be a precisely executed cue that times out with lights and automation or if it's going to be an approximation of where the cue might be.
Re: Does any digital mixer have this feature?

I guess none of you humheads have ever run a 5-scene preset lighting desk.

I have. A 72 channel one at that....

I have, but try running that same show on a board with no presets. That's what soundmen did before programmable mutes and then digital consoles.
