EASE Focus 2

Steve Payne

Jan 16, 2011
Richmond, VA
I have read in numerous threads on prediction software about favoring even SPL or even frequency response. I thought it was implied that this was a preference that could be selected in the software. I can find no such preference in EASE Fcous 2. Am I missing something? Thanks.
Re: EASE Focus 2

I have read in numerous threads on prediction software about favoring even SPL or even frequency response. I thought it was implied that this was a preference that could be selected in the software. I can find no such preference in EASE Fcous 2. Am I missing something? Thanks.

IIRC all EASE Focus has is max SPL or even SPL.
Re: EASE Focus 2

I have read in numerous threads on prediction software about favoring even SPL or even frequency response. I thought it was implied that this was a preference that could be selected in the software. I can find no such preference in EASE Fcous 2. Am I missing something? Thanks.

Hi Steve, As you mentioned, some software allows you input the compromise you want; SPL Vs smooth frequency response etc. I think you are correct; AFAIK there is no setting for this in EASE Focus 2.

While the results displayed by EASE Focus are accurate, the initial predication that EASE Focus does for the box angles etc. is just a good starting point and probably should be tweaked a little for best results as noted in the manual.

EASE Focus 2 allows 3 different array settings – a “J” (conventional), a constant curvature and spiral. To some extent the J will give you maximum SPL and the constant curvature most even frequency response. The spiral is somewhere in-between. I suspect some of the other programs are not doing anything more complicated than biasing the results towards one of these models depending on the setting you select.