Re: Eaw la 325 help needed.
Got the new diaphragm, I bought the original bc one. After comparing the known bc to the existing diaphragms, it turns out there are aftermarket ones in the box's. The aftermarket are real hot after 10k, so iI will get one more bc. The volume did come up with the new diaphragm.
The 325's sound great, I can't believe how crappy the high end is on a Jbl. Junk But Loud is a true statement.
Which JBL driver, and on what horn? The same HF driver is used in the original EON as the VerTec 4887 and 4888, and the VerTec HF sounds VERY different from the EON.
Also, if your standard of comparison is the JRX line, you need to keep in the same price range to make comparisons. The LA series is in a far different category.
I think I've mentioned this before, but I wasn't and am not still a JBL "fanboy." Before our purchase of VerTec 4889 (right when V4 processing was released) I was terribly disappointed in most of the VerTec rigs I'd mixed on or heard from other providers, and one of my first system tech "triumphs" was taming the HF and MF of the HLA system. Couldn't do anything about the LF because of the way JBL handled the fiberglass... But what I learned was that most JBL users AT THAT TIME either blindly accepted the processing that wasn't particularly well thought (and to be fair, was before we got more than 2 EQ filters per pass band output), or they wildly rolled their own settings that were worse (particularly off-axis) than JBLs. I also learned that the raw transducer can't know or compensate for the manner in which it is implemented by the end user. And the VerTec? The Version 4 processing changed my mind about that rig... it's very good, and the components didn't change.
An EAW KF850e story: We purchased 4 of them a few months back, and my boss was in a hurry to verify that all the drivers worked and that the condition was "as described" by the seller. He made a couple of intelligent guesses as to crossover frequencies and hooked up an analog crossover to drive with. They sounded terrible without the time alignment and multiple EQs per pass band the 850s required. He was very disappointed in the acoustic performance and called me to the shop to figure out why. I used a modern processor and started with EAWs specified EQ and delays and things cleaned up significantly. A one-hour session with Smaart and some tweakestry improved the sonic performance even more. My boss was ready to blame EAW, the components, and the phase of the moon on the witch's sabbath... but the issues were with the user's implementation, not the hardware.
And that brings me back to your original problems with the LA325s you bought. You were ready to pillory EAW, castigate them publically and declare everything they do as rubbish... when the issues were squarely and solely rooted in changes, modifications, and non-factory parts use done by the previous owner. Caveat lector.