Establishing a professional network in NYC

Jan 14, 2011
San Francisco, CA
Hi guys. When I signed up on this forum I was in Chicago, but this post is to announce that I recently moved to New York City (my business is still going in Chicago; I'm managing it remotely).

I was wondering: does anyone on here live in the city (I'm in Brooklyn--Prospect Park South) and would any of you be interested in accepting a few free beers from me in exchange for chatting with me about some questions I had regarding the production industry?

I have experience as a technician, but also as a business owner and production coordinator for large scale events in several markets. One of my reasons for moving to NYC was a desire to focus more on management of technical production and less on cabinet-hauling and fader pushing--there are plenty of guys and gals who are more eager to do that and I wish the best for them!

If you run a local production company, I want to hear from you. If you're working in clubland but know a bunch of people, I want to hear from you. I'm all ears.
