EWI amp rack takes a beating

Re: EWI amp rack takes a beating

Agreed Lee. That combined with the Rat sides and 15" Microwedges, I'm sure he heard everything fine. There was a mild complaint about mushy low end on stage, but that was probably those center subs.
Re: EWI amp rack takes a beating

The hollow clunk/clonk/honk of the original 360 is what's neat about it. It just needs to be crossed over to a Danley underneath. And then be remotely controlled from FOH.

I stand by my original statement that Jaco was the only person I ever heard playing through an original 360 and generating a pleasing, full range, tone. It was probably "in his fingers" more than anything else.

Larry Graham with Sly sounded generally awful, tone wise, but that built in fuzz tone (happily missing on the new re-design) was essential to "Dance To the Music" :)