Flight cases

Re: Image uploading

Are you flat view or tree view Lee?

Just tried tree (threaded) still saw the images.
Then I logged out and cleared my cookies.
I can still see all my images. strange
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Re: Image uploading

There are definitely different case manufacturers out there and the quality is directly proportionate to the cost. If you are ever considering putting your gear on a truck or handled by a local crew than a good case is a must- you're not going to find them new on eBay. I'm thinking about Jan Al or R&R cases. The cases you find on eBay that are listed as too good to be true prices are unless you're handling the gear yourself. I purchased an R&R case for my LS9 and it was almost a third of the cost of the mixer, but it sees some heavy touring and it looks good enough to be cross rented into a corporate environment.

I would agree that unless you are about to make a lot of cases for everything you own, it's not very cost effective one you figure out the time and materials involved.
Re: Image uploading

I'm thinking about Jan Al or R&R cases. The cases you find on eBay that are listed as too good to be true prices are...[/QUOTE said:
some, yes, doing your homework reveals the good, bad and ugly.

I've decided not to build, and have spent quite a bit of time studying the different designs and quality. I've got a few very good cases and prefer the higher quality stuff. I do have one SKB that houses a rack of FOH processing, but the rest are higher quality and have lasted many years.

dial it in, turn it up

Re: Image uploading

There are definitely different case manufacturers out there and the quality is directly proportionate to the cost. If you are ever considering putting your gear on a truck or handled by a local crew than a good case is a must- you're not going to find them new on eBay. I'm thinking about Jan Al or R&R cases. The cases you find on eBay that are listed as too good to be true prices are unless you're handling the gear yourself. I purchased an R&R case for my LS9 and it was almost a third of the cost of the mixer, but it sees some heavy touring and it looks good enough to be cross rented into a corporate environment.

I would agree that unless you are about to make a lot of cases for everything you own, it's not very cost effective one you figure out the time and materials involved.

Well stated. The 'cheap' cases on ebay are great for the small operator that moves their own gear around. More durable than a cardboard box, and they look great. However, they don't take kindly to abuse. If you have roadies handling them, or worse, have your gear put on a truck, you will find out quickly how undurable they really are. Now, go with the high end Anvil, R&R, etc, and you will have cases that can take true beatings. Of course, these come at a higher cost and weight.

Cheap cases are near impossible to build for less than you can buy them for. Of course, sometimes it's hard to find as cheap of components to use too. High quality cases can be a bit more competitive to build since they are more expensive to start with. However, if your time is taken into account, these too are going to be hard to compete with.