Follow up on my RF event this week.

Steve Ferreira

Jan 12, 2011
Toronto, Canada
Some people had asked me to do a write up on the event I was on regarding RF. As some of you might recall I was talking about 100 RF frequencies or more for this event, well between all the wireless mics with main and backup freq's, wireless comm, and translation systems we got up to over 400 frequencies. We where handed an inventory that didn't have many frequency bands. We used Axients just to follow the main VP around in rooms he was going to speak in. The Axients are a great mic system, and WWB6 with the spectrum analyzer is sweet to work with. I suggest anybody that uses UHFRs and such to get on the Beta and take a look for youself.
As for the event itself, it was a challenge for myself (never dealt with so much RF) but the RF person we hired was worth every single penny. We had all the mics that where networkable, networked. We could monitor each mic from our remote locations, make changes if we needed, and then just radio in to the techs in the rooms to "Re-sync" beltpacks and hand helds. This allowed for a fast and effiecent way of doing things. There was also a tradeshow floor area, and as the booths where getting setup they started to ask for wireless for there demos. We ran out of spectrum in a few areas with ULX J1s and M1s. The tradeshow had over 25 wireless mics going at one point also.
The client was extremely happy with the Axients and is requesting them for all their upcoming events.

This was a great learning experience for me. I walked away with a better understanding of rf and how to put frequencies into a BRT-800