Re: Goofiest lost gear stories
I was hired for a one-off by "the other guys in town" to do monitors for a show in the local outdoor amphitheater. The day was blustery and windy during load-in, and the crew was comprised of local city park employees. They tended to roll everything in and just leave it center-stage. I was supervising the placement of the monitor console, and turned around to see two JBL HLA cabinets merrily trundling across the stage unattended, hurried along by the brisk wind. I yelled for help, and ran off after them. I caught the portly slow one, but the other dashed past, caught it's front wheels in the drain trough at the lip of the stage, and dove into the picturesque moat that surrounds that stage. An HLA floats for about 15 seconds before it goes under.
I heard that years later, the owner of the company still referred to me as "the guy who sank my $5000 speaker." :lol:
I was hired for a one-off by "the other guys in town" to do monitors for a show in the local outdoor amphitheater. The day was blustery and windy during load-in, and the crew was comprised of local city park employees. They tended to roll everything in and just leave it center-stage. I was supervising the placement of the monitor console, and turned around to see two JBL HLA cabinets merrily trundling across the stage unattended, hurried along by the brisk wind. I yelled for help, and ran off after them. I caught the portly slow one, but the other dashed past, caught it's front wheels in the drain trough at the lip of the stage, and dove into the picturesque moat that surrounds that stage. An HLA floats for about 15 seconds before it goes under.
I heard that years later, the owner of the company still referred to me as "the guy who sank my $5000 speaker." :lol: