Help! I suffer from AOD. And RTFM is not helping.

Re: JCUBA or DCUBA. hmm, doesn't work.

It is good manners to explain acronyms first time they are used in a text, Proper Use of Acronyms (PUA) or PUA (Proper Use of Acronyms), I can't remember now what is the preferred or POA standard of first use, but by applying PUA, one might easily be able to use acronyms extensively without making the reader feel like an idiot or make oneself come acrass as a total prat.

Edit: Forgot to explain what POA means, it is short for "Mr. Søvik can't spell an acronym correctly more than twice in a row."
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Re: JCUBA or DCUBA. hmm, doesn't work.

Here is one I just stumbled across from a Tim MCculloh post somewhere on this forum.
"I practice system engineering the old-fashioned way... I take a Scientific Wild_Ass Guess (SWAG) and run until something breaks."
Re: JCUBA or DCUBA. hmm, doesn't work.

Well, that's the possible number of acronyms, but there are probably one or two that aren't used yet. I would use "QQQ" for an example, but that won't work...
"Quotation Quibble Quandry" - The internal battle of whether to point out to someone that they've misquoted their source or not.
Re: JCUBA or DCUBA. hmm, doesn't work.

Here is one I just stumbled across from a Tim MCculloh post somewhere on this forum.
"I practice system engineering the old-fashioned way... I take a Scientific Wild_Ass Guess (SWAG) and run until something breaks."

A "SWAG" button was always a feature on my old HP calculators. ;>)

"SOYP Engineering" was always a name I'd considered for my company if I ever got to that point.

Best regards,

Re: JCUBA or DCUBA. hmm, doesn't work.

Proper Use of Acronyms (PUA) or PUA (Proper Use of Acronyms), I can't remember now what is the preferred or POA standard of first use,

FWIW, back when I was an undergraduate (in Biology mind you, but I'd assume it's common across most scientific/technical disciplines), the standard was: What To Foreshorten (WTF).
