I need a file sharing service

Re: I need a file sharing service

Which will work great until next June, when Apple pulls the plug. :(

I'm a MobileMe user who's trying to find replacements for what it did - I have a similar need to publish ~1GB files here and there for projects, as well as have a website and photo gallery. There isn't a good one stop shop replacement out there for Mobile Me - hopefully there will be somewhere. At the moment I've signed up for "unlimited space, unlimited bandwidth" shared hosting (be careful with this - the first company I talked to said they will only store files "related to the website" and would not accept large files for sharing or download), and am looking for a MobileMe-like plugin for user downloads.

What the Fuck! Where did this come from?

I just looked at the front end of MobileMe and read the announcement. Since I stay signed in all the time I've totally missed it. This just pisses me off!
Re: I need a file sharing service

I'm only a Mac user at my day job, and only because they wouldn't get me a PC when we got new computers this summer. I would set up my own file server at home, BUT, I live out in the boondocks and we have shitty internet service. I can't get them to upgrade me past a 512k down and 128k upload speed. So while I'm willing to spend the time to upload and download myself I would hate to limit the rest of the group to those slow ass 2001 speed limits.

I think I'm going to have to set up the FTP service on the webserver that I'm already renting.
Re: I need a file sharing service

+1 for Dropbox. I haven't used it for collaboration purposes yet, but in terms of backing up and keeping multiple computers in sync--it's awesome! Once it's installed, it will sync the files in the background without any input from the other users. They can simply open up the PT session from inside the Dropbox folder and listen.

Dropbox will also do version control! Pay the $9.99/mth as a business expense and move on...

Re: I need a file sharing service

I have been having great success using ADrive.com for session sized file transfers. Or as the Venerable Dave mentioned, FTP if you are so inclined.
Re: I need a file sharing service

I agree. Dropbox would be ideal.

I have it set up on my parents computer with a shared folder with my dropbox account and theirs. When they can't find/figure out how to save a file. I do it and drop it into their folder. and Bam syncs over to their computer and they open it.

I do the same when I need to install updates. or programs.

I used shared folders in dropbox for the past two semesters at school to do group projects, and even the free version worked just fine. Biggest group I shared with was 5 people though.
Re: I need a file sharing service

I'm also in the Dropbox.com crowd, and I HIGHLY recommend it!

You set up a folder and share it with whomever needs access. The more people you invite to the party, the more space you get, up to a total of 10GB for FREE. You start with 2GB and each person you invite that installs Dropbox on their computer adds 250MB to your capacity.

I use it for both work and personal stuff. I have a couple folders shared with a couple friends and we trade files back and forth. For work I have shared folders with several different people. This is great for keeping up to speed with what is going on at different install sites and trading files that are not economical to email back and forth. We are even using it to store all the documentation for a small music festival that a local community group is putting on.

It lives on both my home and work computers as just a folder, but when I put stuff in the folders, or other people edit, delete, or add stuff to the folders, it updates that same folder on everyone's computer who is part of that folder's share. Also, it does do version control. The other day I had inadvertently deleted a file out of one of my folders. I was able to go online and find it in my account and restore it.

I'd be glad to invite anyone who is not yet on Dropbox to join! Just send me a private message with your email address and I'll jet you off an invite! Likewise, have questions? Ask them.

Edit: One additional fantastic feature of Dropbox is the app that I have on my Android phone. I have instant access to any file in my Dropbox on my phone (if it is connected to the internet) and I can also access any file in my Dropbox account from any other computer that is not mine by logging into the website.
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